Could we ever hope to see a 17 caliber ballistic tip? The varmageddons are nice when you can find them, but the tipped varmageddons are out of stock everywhere I can find which is unfortunate because I would rather shoot a nosler bullet than a red box bullet. I believe a ballistic tip style bullet with a boat tail in 25 and 30 grain weights would be superb. Reading on multiple forums including this one and talking to people who shoot 17 caliber in person lead me to believe there is a good market for these bullets. In theory you could use some or most of the tooling from the varmageddon bullets with specific changes for the ballistic tip style of bullet for ease of production and reduced cost. I know myself and many others who wouldn’t be able to open our wallets fast enough if these were to be released. My 17 Remington is hungry for ballistic tips!