180 Accubond/.300 Win.mag


Mar 10, 2005
Would somebody share their experiences with this caliber and bullet combo?I want to use a Hodgdon Extreme powder.I have on hand:H-4350,H-4831sc,H-1000,and Retumbo.The barrel on my rifle is 25.3".I am hoping for a safe load that would choronograph at 3100 fps. if possible.I do not want to load any hotter than loading manual suggestions.Yes,I know that I have to shoot the loads from my rifle and to chronograph,but was hoping to get some advice from someone that shoots this combo.Is it probable and safe to expect this velocity using the above powders?
Thanks for any help that you can provide.
Jimmy- Although I dont own a 300 WM currenty, I use to. I loaded 180g btips, which are basically the same thing as the AB's. I used 75.5g RL-22 and got 3100fps with .5-.75" at 100 yards. My rifle was a ruger m77 S/S. I hammered my first spike bull when I was 14 with this combo at a little over 500 yards. 1 shot through the shoulders sent him tumbling down the canyon. 3100fps with a 180g bullet is some good medicine.
Guess I didn't help you out to much with the RL-22 info. I think h4831 would be the best bet for you. It is right under RL-22 for burn rate, so I would think you could probly get real close to 3100fps safely. I think H-1000 and retumbo are a little to slow, and h4350 is just a tad to fast. JMO.
I have to agree with remintonman. I shoot the exact same load in my 300 win. mag. (chronographs 3050fps) 26"barrel . Have so far shot two elk. A large cow and a nice bull . Good accuracy <.75" or so. The 180 AB is just as impressive on game as on paper. I shot the bull in the chest then he turned away. The next shot broke the pelvis and I found it under the armpit. No complaints. I lucked out and drew another tag and hope to repeat this year. I have tried H1000 and H4831sc. Still I always come back to RL22.
I got a sweet load using the 180 Accubonds and RL22-about 5/8" groups right now...going to try and tighten up with some fine tuning of 0.1gr powder increments now, and maybe seating depth.

I also have some Retumbo loads worked but have not tried them yet...cant find the time to get to the range. I know Retumbo works great for my 270WSM with 140gr Accubonds.
The magic load for the 300 WM and 180 gr bullets is 75.0-75.5 grs RL22 with a W-W case and Federal GM215M primers.
I realize that RL22 may not be the most temperature stable but this load should get you under MOA.
