19, 26, 43...?


May 18, 2011
Long story short...

I'm thinking of trading in my carry gun, an XDs 3.3" 9mm, toward a Glock.

I've been shooting my G40MOS and I carry it when hunting/in the woods, and I have really grown fond of it.

I thought about a 29 for carry, but I do think the 9mm is capable. I also like having at least one common caliber handgun...just in case.

So, that takes me to a 19, 26, or 43.

I used to have a G23. I'm not going back to a 40. I just don't want to. But when I had it, it was not the easiest thing to make disappear during the warm weather months. But I'm not sure I really gave it a fair shot. I would need to re-look at holsters, a belt, etc, and how to dress to conceal it.

Or do I go to a 26 and shorten the grip, which was usually where I struggled with my 23 to keep it from printing badly?

Or go to a 43 which is similar to what I'm using now, but with the Glock "look and feel" ?

Or do I decide I already own the XDs and stop thinking up reasons for a new gun...? ;)
I carry a Glock 43 in a raven concealment minimalist holster pretty much every day. I really like that glock 43. It’s my carry when you can’t carry gun. It just disappears when carried at 4:30 in a good holster and you’ll forget its there.


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I think you are on the right track, I was not a Glock fan more a Colt .45 kind of guy then I picked up a Glock 19 and it is a shooter and great gun.
I have also had my eye on a Glock 43 and any more the 9mm just makes sense with affordable practice ammo and improvements in personal defense ammo like Federal HST 124gr.
My feelings if I want a double stack pick up the 19, I want the 43 because of its size being single stack.
Good luck in your choice.