200 grs Accubond in 30.06


Nov 7, 2007
Anyone tried how this combination works from roe deer to wild boar

Normally I use Barnes TTSX that works great for me, but I'm looking for a lead bullet that works great from roe deer to wild boar

Regards Bjarne
Bjarne, I had a good load with them but never used them on game, but can't see why it wouldn't do everything you want from them. I used Hodgdon's max load of H 4350 with that bullet for just under 2600 fps and fantastic accuracy. Keep us up to date on how things work out for you and good luck.
I would think the 200AB run around 2600 in a 30-06 would be a super combo. I know I wouldn't fear hunting much of anything with that combo.. Great bullet.