2011 Colorado draw results posted!

Thanks -
They snuck them in there a few days early.

Drew high country archery deer with my hunting buddy - hopefully by Sept the snow will be gone :shock:
I just completed the tally.
The wifely one drew a bear tag and a 4th season either sex elk tag.
Oldest daughter drew a 4th season bull tag.
Youngest son drew a archery deer and a late cow.
Oldest Grand Daughter drew a black-powder doe and a 2 season unit 61 cow.
I drew a first rifle bull .
Looks like I will be hunting from Sept. 1 through mid November....... ya gotta love it!
3006 congradulations, you will all have great time. Hopefully lots of meat in the freezer.

You've done well. Congratulations. It'll be a busy fall for you and yours.
Just found out that I drew doe and cow. My wife drew cow. One partner drew cow and buck and my other buddy drew cow, bear, and we're not sure on the deer yet as I dont have that info. We will all buy our bull tags when they are available over the counter. Was really hoping my wife drew a buck tag but we will make do. Gonna be a great 3rd rifle season. I will literally get back just days before it begins so it will be time to drop the camo and grab the ammo!
YoteSmoker, A great homecoming indeed!
Congrats on all the tags....... ya gotta love living in a state with plenty of elk. CW

Congratulations. It will be a great homecoming for you. Congratulations.
Between the 4 of us, we average 1 elk and a few deer a year. We just get what licenses we can so we can be legal if we get lucky enough to shoot something lol. There are more hunters than elk in most of the public land.
Yote -
Good luck when you get back for the season. I've only heard this third party type of sources, however............ I've heard they will be cutting back the number of left over tags this year for elk ????

You're right - I'm sure some areas end up with more orange than elk. This is going to be a strange year with all the snow sticking around so late in the high country.
Just learned today I drew a Buck tag for 2nd season. I can return where we hunted last year where I saw that Monster Buck. Hoping to pick up a left over Cow Tag later.

The 300 Ultra will be tuned for the big event. :mrgreen:

Good luck Don, hope you get that big buck and it will be even bigger this year!

Powerstroke, hasn't the runoff began? Usually, it is going on now and one of my favorite times to be trout fishing, yet a little dangerous. Maybe the 90 degree days will get it started. I think it was 2 weeks ago my wife sent me a picture of our backyard and trampoline covered in white stuff. Crazy! She had to wait until a few days ago to till the garden because I guess it has been so wet there this spring.

That's good old Colorado for ya. I really miss living there. Lived in Loveland for 10-yrs before moving to Tennessee. Temps here this week will be 95-degrees with lots of humidity. Trust me, you don't want any of this here. Had to work in an Attic yesterday repairing an HVAC System, definetly something was cooking, ME!!!!!! :mrgreen:

Yote -

I believe the run off will just get started this week. Some of high country received a couple more feet of snow just a few weeks ago. They claim 200+% above normal averages in some of the areas.
Trailridge road & Mt. Evans didn't get opened this year for Memorial Day weekend - :shock:
Powerstroke, just got off the phone with a friend that Lives in Oak Creek which is located roughly 26 miles south and West of Steamboat. At 7400 feet all the snow is gone. The grass is green and the trees are blooming. However, the season is about two weeks behind schsedule. At 9200ft where we hunt just outside of town the ground is patchy. Some areas still have 1-2 feet. The temps however are starting to climb quickly which should put an end to the white stuff. He did report seeing Elk all over the place (which is a good thing).
big rifle man -

That is close to my old stomping grounds, I was born and raised in Meeker. My Dad is still there, however I've jumped to the other side of the state where it's flat.
Most of my hunting anymore is done where the deer, elk, sheep and goats share close to the same grounds. We starting hunting at about 10,000 ft and will push 13,000 ft at times.
I can see Mt. Evans fairly well out of my office window and am finally seeing some progression of the snow melting. I can't wait - haven't been back west since last Nov.