2012 Late Turkey Season


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
I went out for the opener of the 2012 MI Late Spring Turkey season. There were a lot of gobbles and yelps right off the bat. I called in 5 hens, 5 jakes and 3 long beards, they were all less than 25 yds from me. I couldn't tell which Tom was labled for my daughter so I let them walk.
An hour later I called in another hen and she went past me. About 30 minutes later this Tom came in looking for love. He spoted my Primos B-Mobil strutting Tom decoy and went for it in an agressive mannor. I had to wait for him to come out of strut and clear the decoy. The red dot found the waddles and the 11-87 Super Mag roared once, sending a 2 1/4 oz of heavy shot on the way. It hammered the Tom at 22 yds, pole axing him where he stood.
The beard measures 11" and the spurs are 1 1/8".


I am looking forward to extending the season with my daughter. There is a special Tom out there with her name on him.

To be continued...

That is an excellent start to your season. We're pulling for your girl. Go get 'em, Jim. :grin:
Nice bird Jim. Flowers in the background.........seriously! :twisted: It was nice today and late yesterday, but Saturday night we had snow in the mountains again! Nice bird, very nice!
Nice turkey Jim, you sure are lucky to be able to hunt them. Those are some pretty nice Rhododendrons too, looking forward to how part two turns out.
Jim that is good start to the 2012 season, the bird will taste great and so will all the fixins :)
I believe you are on a roll good luck with the next one.

Thanks fellas.
I do enjoy turkey hunting. I am really looking forward to putting one up close and personal for my daughter.
Looks like Act II is Thursday evening.

Good luck out there Jim. Sure hope she gets to put the hammer on a good bird.. I am looking forward to it..
Congrats on the turkey!

Your camo doesn't match the background though... :mrgreen:

Danielle and I went out this afternoon for a quick hunt. We got settled in and called in 4 jakes and a hen. They ended up about 20 yds away!
We got rid of the pre game jitters and Danielle was building her confidence by placing the red dot on the head of a couple jakes. We are heading back out for a quick hunt before she goes to school.
I got a feeling its going to ba a good morning. :wink:

Stay tuned fellas.

JD338":1mjt38zm said:

Danielle and I went out this afternoon for a quick hunt. We got settled in and called in 4 jakes and a hen. They ended up about 20 yds away!
We got rid of the pre game jitters and Danielle was building her confidence by placing the red dot on the head of a couple jakes. We are heading back out for a quick hunt before she goes to school.
I got a feeling its going to ba a good morning. :wink:

Stay tuned fellas.


Nice, the rehearsal should pay off.. Wish her luck from me Jim.
Nice bird , Congrats!

I spend time up at my wife's parents in Harrisville MI. I always see a ton of birds up there. I'm usually there for Christmas or summer so I haven't been able to hunt them there yet.
Nice work Jim! One of these days I'm going to try Turkey hunting out. Lots of poeple I know do it, and really enjoy it.
jmad_81":z02mq326 said:
Nice work Jim! One of these days I'm going to try Turkey hunting out. Lots of poeple I know do it, and really enjoy it.


Be fore warned, turkey hunting is highly addictive!

Well, my daughter Danielle did it!
She shot a nice tom at 7:00 AM this morning. A pair of toms came in looking for a hen that had yelped.
Dani got on the bigger of the two and put the red dot on his head at 21 yds and the 11-87 Super Mag roared once sending a Remington 12 ga 1.5 oz load of Hevi Shot #5 on its way. The tom dropped right there. He has a 9 3/4" beard and 7/8" spurs. An excellent first Tom turkey.
Man, I am very proud of Danielle, she did a GREAT JOB!


Jim, that is great! Congratulations to Danielle! It is a great bird, and she has every right to be proud of a job well done. Congratulations to her guide and mentor as well.
Wow, that is AWESOME Jim! Congratulations to Danielle. She is putting the smack down on the MI game herd! Great job buddy. That is excellent!