WV Fall Turkey Tag - PUNCHED


Mar 5, 2019
Went out this morning with the purpose of looking for a buck. Turkey season is open for either sex birds in selected WV counties, one of which being the county where I had permission to hunt at. Everything was super quiet having only seen a squirrel up until about 10am. Out of the blue, I heard a turkey gobble about 150yds away. I didnt have a turkey call with me of any kind so I continued to wait and sit vowing that if that turkey presented a shot, I would try and take it. About 15 minutes goes by and I heard him gobble and begin to kee kee multiple times. Finally I laid eyes on him and he was within 75yds. More gobbling and kee keeing ensued, and slowly but surely, he was inching closer. After maybe 30 minutes and 25 gobbles go by, I finally get into position to take a shot. I estimated him to be around 25yds away, and I knocked the safety off and squeezed the trigger. Immediately, wing feathers go flying, the bird, jumped up in the air, took a stumble, then trotted away out of sight. I gave him about 5 minutes before I went to investigate. I couldn't find my arrow, but I found a huge pile of feathers and a blood trail. At the end of the suprisingly big blood trail, I found this bird about 30 yds from where I shot him. A little disappointed, I will admit, but also suprised to find that as mouthy as he was, he had no beard and no spurs, only bumps where the sprurs would've no doubt grown through the winter and next spring. At any rate, I was glad to punch a turkey tag. I used to my range finder to later determine he was 28yds when I shot him. This is my 3rd archery equipment turkey, but my 1st turkey with a crossbow.


Congratulations on your fall turkey. Nicely done with your x-bow.

Congratulations on taking a turkey with a crossbow. That sounds like a real challenge to me. I hope to be able to accomplish such a feat someday.
nice job, congratulations! I had several fly down last Saturday and roam around under my stand, but season was out with the split fall season, but came back in 10-30 and runs to 11-19. If a nice big Tom shows up while I'm waiting on a deer, I may just send a bolt his way. Two years ago my buddy shot a 9" gobbler right after daylight, and a 7 point buck around 11:00.