2013 licenses purchased

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Okay - bought my Washington hunting and fishing licenses for 2013. Came to almost $200 for:

bear, deer, elk, cougar, turkey tag, small game

freshwater fishing, including steelhead & salmon on the Columbia & tributaries

I think I'll wait a paycheck before buying the same setup for my youngest son. Dang... Ah well, less expensive than a big out-of-state trip!

In April, we'll be able to get applications for the various "special tags" such as the late season mule deer buck hunt, and those once-in-a-lifetime tags for moose, bighorn sheep & mountain goat.

I do have 7 points built up for the late season mule deer hunt in the rut, so there's a pretty good chance of being drawn for that.

The "OIL" or once-in-a-lifetime tags? Not so much of a chance... Sigh...

Staying in my home state this year. Maybe next year too. That's fine, I usually come up with something when I hunt here, and always have a good time.

Still, that's not too bad, Guy, considering that you have opportunities to hunt. Prices seem to go up each year, though. I could wish that game managers actually managed game rather than managing sportsmen.
I agree - we do have some good opportunities here. The cougar is of course a long-shot, but I enter the season with at least a realistic expectation for good bear, deer & elk hunts for me and my son.

Fishing? Oh yeah - good fishing here!

Hope you do well this year and draw a moose and mountain goat tag very soon :)
I need to put my WY antelope application in for this year.
MI black bear and elk apps will be out in May. Deer tags are OTC.

Season fishing, upland bird, deer, elk, & bear were $87 here. I still have to put in for Pronghorn, but I have a few months yet.
I still have to buy a PP for Nevada. PP's for Washington,. Then probably get another WA, bow tag for deer and elk. The elk tag has been unfilled for several years now and thats really, really giving me a major amount of heartburn. Major heartburn! I have yet to kill an elk in my home state.
I picked up my tags for BC yesterday: elk, moose, black bear, whitetail and mule deer for starters. It felt good to note that the seniors rate for hunting license and freshwater fishing license applies to this old duffer; it saved a bit.
I entered my antelope application on line for WY.
No its the waiting game.

Lucky for me I have an awesome guide in WY all lined up. :)

JD338":3muv68mb said:
I entered my antelope application on line for WY.
No its the waiting game.

Lucky for me I have an awesome guide in WY all lined up. :)


Yeah, but do you and your guide have enough firepower for those big speed goats? :grin:
We both have 416 Bee's. That should be enough! ;)
