2023 Handgun Hunter’s Competition

Todd NE WY

Sep 30, 2022
June 16 and 17th handgun hunters from across the nation gathered in Newcastle, WY for the 3rd HHC. The individual who traveled the farthest came 1900 miles. I have been fortunate enough to compete all 3 years. Each year I have been privileged to shoot with great people from across the US, making great friends in the process. 6 stages with targets for rimfire, revolver/pistol(iron sight and optics) and single shot pistol were laid out in actual hunting country and they provided some great and challenging shooting. Friday’s weather was rainy during the early morning safety and competition briefing but quit when we started shooting, it remained cool/cold and overcast most of the day. Saturday the weather was much better. The practical field experience gained from this competition really pays off when in the field hunting. I want to thank all of the sponsors who provided prizes for our prize table, there were enough that everyone received something.
That's very cool. I didn't even know such a thing existed.
Chris Rhodes and crew puts on a great shoot for sure. Extremely diverse, as it allows almost any handgun hunter the ability to participate in a class.
I shot it the first two years, but even at that, it is difficult as mine (WY-SHOT) begins right after that.
My shoot ends the Wednesday afternoon after Father's day, and then the MOA (Long-Range Pistol Only Benchrest match-Paper BR shooting at 50, 750, and 1K) starts the day after that, and goes through Saturday afternoon late.
Chris's shoot (HHC) is the largest in terms of number of people shooting.
Three diverse shooting matches that all connect within a 9 day time frame, and are within a sub-two hour driving window.
Todd not only competes, but he is also a prize table sponsor for two of the shoots.
Todd has a leather business that caters towards shooters/hunters.