222 Rem Thoughts


Mar 23, 2017
My brother has informed me that a 222 Rem is in his possession. It is a Savage 340 , not sure what series it is but he says it’s drilled and tapped for the scope side mount.
I’m looking for suggestions in powder/bullet combos that work from the members here.
Have used BLC2, IMR4198 with 50,52,53 and some 55 gr bullets. It's not hard to find something that will group in most 222Rems. Older slower twist barrels will dictate bullet weight. Great caliber to download for small game hunting also. Dan.
If there are "seconds" for someone living in Oregon, please let me know.
If you ever make it over to Hermiston, just let me know! I've heard IMR4198 is kind of a unicorn powder these days, but I honestly don't have any other rifle/use for it. It was always strictly for my triple deuce. And since I just rebarreled that rifle to a long range 223, IMR4198 really serves no purpose for it or myself. I'd be willing to trade it for H4895 or H1000 if you have either...If not I'm sure we can still work something out.
I had a model 340 in .222 as well that I let slip away when I thought that I needed a 22-250. It shot really well with 4198 and 50, 52 and 53 grain bullets. It also produced some good groups with H222 as well. My brother also had one in a model 600 Remington. He lent it to a friend of ours and his daughter took a number of deer with it. All one shot kills and she never lost any wounded deer! Note that I don't advocate the use of a .222 for deer but there are a lot being hunted with .223 today.
I played around with a 222 using some data out of an old Lyman manual coming up with a small game load that I used on squirrels. It was 6grs of Green Dot and a 40gr bullet. At a50yds gave groups about the size of a dime. good enough for head shooting. Was interesting to say the least. Dan.
Congratulations to your brother.
H322 or IMR4198 and a 50 gr bullet would be a good place to start.

For sure! I love the little 222 Rem. Just a fun little zapper.

My daughter took her first buck with a 222 Rem, RL7 and a 50 grain Ballistic Tip with an old Western Auto 222 (Savage made them for Western Auto).

Great little cartridge and still very useful for alot of varmint and even deer hunting within reason.

For sure! I love the little 222 Rem. Just a fun little zapper.

My daughter took her first buck with a 222 Rem, RL7 and a 50 grain Ballistic Tip with an old Western Auto 222 (Savage made them for Western Auto).

Great little cartridge and still very useful for alot of varmint and even deer hunting within reason.

He has some 50gr BT seconds here. Is that the varmint BT?