223/75g ELDM nailed


Nov 17, 2005
Loaded up 10 rounds to shoot a 10 shot group at 100 yards. Figured if it went 1 MOA or better I'd run with it. First 5 were a ragged hole, then had a couple stragglers, followed by the rest in the same hole. 8 shots went 1/2" with the other 2 making it .85" Velocity is 2975fps. I blame Hornady bullets. They aren't exactly match grade by match standards...I may give the 80.5 Berger a try and see how much more accurate/consistent they are. These 75g ELDMs have been pretty picky and touchy. But I can live with it for now I guess. Time to load up a 100 and get a good dope chart from 300-1200 going.

Looks good. The 80.5 Bergers work well in my son’s Wylde on top of N140.
Meh, good enough for Hornady bullets haha. I've done just about all I can with em and this is the best I can do. I'm tired of messing with it already. Taken 150 rounds to get to this point. Ready to start having fun with the rifle now.
I get it-I love Hornady bullets for what they are, but if I am getting serious for for groups or scoring for a match of some kind, I go a different route.
Nice shooting/load. Curious of your barrel length and velocity if you have it?