223 ladder testing results


Nov 17, 2005
Here are all the ladders for review. 8 total, with 4 powders (IMR4895/H4895/Benchmark/IMR8208XBR) and 2 bullets (75/80 ELDMs) Shot at 300 yards.

Rifle looks like it definitely prefers the 75s, so I'm just going to concentrate on the 75s from here on out and sell or trade the 80s for more 75s. I have 82 rounds down the barrel now. Will do a light cleaning of the barrel and shoot the remaining 120 virgin cases with IMR4895 and the 75s to get the 200 cases fireformed and barrel broke in. Then I'll start tweaking the loads. Have some Lapua brass coming in the next day or two also, so I'll have to redo load development with those once I have the 200 pieces of starline fire formed.

Battery died on the crono. Last ladder of the day. Not a huge deal to me. All the 80s shoot like crap and slower than dog poop anyway...

75s is where it starts to get good. Way better overall spreads across the charge and a lot better speeds.
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To my untrained eye I would say the 75's with H 4895 and IMR 8208 look the best. What powders do you think have the most promise?
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I would say you're pright, IMR4895 also isn't to bad with the 75s either since it has little vertical also. Those 3 definitely show the most promise with the 75s. Which is OK because I'm fairly certain Benchmark is going to kill it with the 52 ELDMs/53 VMAXs.

I have 4# of IMR4895, 1# of H4895, 2# of IMR8208XBR and 6# Benchmark. So there's also my dilemma...H4895 is about non existent these days and I believe IMR8208XBR is discontinued. So that pretty much leaves IMR4895 for the 75s and Benchmark for the 52/53s. Good thing is a pound of powder does go a little ways in the 223, so I'll have around 2K rounds between the 4895s and 8208XBR with the 75s before I need to find some more 4895, or try something else all together that can be sourced. I may end up trying varget if I can get ahold of any of that.

This is also virgin brass and a new barrel with only 82 rounds down it. It should get better with a few more rounds down it and fireformed brass. We shall see anyway.
I've seen IMR 8208 in stock online up here so I imagine there should be some in the U.S. again. It's the only IMR powder I'm aware of that's made in Australia instead of Canada like the rest of their powders. Looking forward to seeing how it all works out for you.
If you willing to try another powder Vit N140 is what my son runs behind the 85.5gr Bergers.
Nice shooting, it will get better once your barrel is broken in and brass is fireformed. Keep us posted.
I also think I'm going to try and get some N540 and use that with the Lapua cases. Seems the next most logical choice based on availability and speeds based on my research. Keep ya guys posted! I'm loving this little 223. So much fun and cheap to shoot. Can't wait to start stretching it out to 1K-1200...