223 Pig Bullet


Apr 30, 2016
My friend is going on a hog hunt and is insistent about using his AR-15, and wants some ammo loaded for it..I've narrowed it down to some contenders, but would like some insight. His is a 1:7.7 20". If its anything like my 1:7.7, it'l pretty much shoot anything from 60-80 grains well. My leaning is toward the NAB, although the gold dot is intriguing, Both the NAB and the gold dot are "coming soon", but he has until December to figure it out. I've personally used the 65 SGK on 'yotes and a few whitetail doe, and it's a really good performer. I've read on some of the the 6.8 forums that the 100 gr. AB is NOT a good choice for hogs and will self destruct on shoulder, neck and head shots, and need a mono..I've never shot a pig, but I've shot plenty of AB's into deer and black bear, although they were 140 gr 7mm, but I can't see a 223 70 grain AB not performing well. But again, I'm not a hog expert.

65 grain GameKing
64 grain Win PP
70 grain NAB
62 grain Speer Gold Dot Rifle
I'd go with the AB or the GD personally.

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5shot":1kfbx57z said:
I'd go with the AB or the GD personally.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

As soon as the GD's is available, I'm going to order some for my own curiosity to run them into jugs. But I think the 70 NAB and a stiff dose of H335 or RL-15 will be the cats PJ's...I have a box of 64 gr. Bonded Performance bullets that I need to test out soon.
Well, he made the decision for me..He just texted me that he ordered 4 boxes of 64 grain Nosler solid base bonded blems from SPS for $15.95 a box!!! I'm headed that way NOW!
Sorry folks. I looked the ammo up. Apparently sold as loaded ammo but not as a component bullet. I'm still working on the Nosler 64 grain bonded. I have some loaded but haven't tested it on hogs. Feeds ok in my friends 22-250 but not good in my old Savage Axis pickup rifle. Waiting on a new magazine to try. Have some loaded for an AR but we haven't tested them.
That 64 gr Nosler bonded bullet is pretty impressive.

I haven't used it on game yet, but it's got a good reputation already. I think JD338 and some others here have used it.

ethmoid1999":2k4ox4qr said:
Sorry folks. I looked the ammo up. Apparently sold as loaded ammo but not as a component bullet. I'm still working on the Nosler 64 grain bonded. I have some loaded but haven't tested it on hogs. Feeds ok in my friends 22-250 but not good in my old Savage Axis pickup rifle. Waiting on a new magazine to try. Have some loaded for an AR but we haven't tested them.

The 55 grain is available now as a component, the 62 grain is coming and listed as "over due"

The 64 gr BSB is a very robust bullet. It was designed for a Gov't agency to shoot through a automobile windshield or door panel and still go through a bad guy.
The 60 gr PT would also be a good choice. It will hold together and penetrate deep in typical Partition fashion.
The 70 gr AB was introduced this year and should be available this summer.

I am hoping to try the 64 in a few days. Doing a massive overhaul of my shop to accommodate a new safe and things are in bad disarray right now. I may have an old box of 60 grain partitions. I'm seeing hogs in some groups of over fifty. I've killed a bunch but not nearly enough.
I have loaded the 64 gr. BSB in Federal brass, cci450 with TAC in a bull barrel,24", AR for 2950 fps and 1/2" 100 yard groups. I would think it would do just fine on pigs.
Thanks, guys..I assume we'll find out in December..He's bringing me his rifle and the BSB's when they get here to build a load. From what I've read they should smash through a pig and hold up well. I'm going with him, but I'm taking my AR-10 in 338 Fed with 210 gr Partitions.
Your 338 Federal 210 gr PT should slam the ham!

You guys owe me some money. After reading this I had to go check out these BSB bullets. Turns out that SPS had them on sale. Now I'm out a few bucks.
This past season I used the 65 Grain Sierra Gameking on both deer and two hogs that made the mistake of coming to a feeder late one afternoon. As Florida deer are generally smaller than their Northern cousins The 65 Grain bullet behind the shoulder worked well with the deer going only about 20 yards before expiring. The first hog was taken at 75 yards with one shot behind the ear. The second took two shots behind the lower left front shoulder. the behind the shoulder shots penetrated well and the Hog never ran off. Those small bullets are quite "tough".
75gr Gold Dot law enforcement ammo shoots well in my ARs. This is what I'd use for hogs.