25-06 load


Apr 4, 2006
I have had a 25-06 for several years. I have not been very pleased with the performance. I get very accurate loads, however I usually get a little hole in and little hole out. The deer has very little blood trail and runs of 75 yard or so and dies. I use 110 AccuBond bullets with 4350 that shoots at 3200 fps.

Need more information to help.

What distance are you shooting?
What is the size of the deer?
Where are your shots hitting and exiting?
What kind of internal trauma?
How many times has this happened?

I have had this happen several times. Normally it is 100-150 yard shot. These are Texas hill country deer. 100-130 lb. All are hit just behind the shoulder & exiting just behind the shoulder. Internally there is usually a lot of damage. The main thing is that there is a little exit hole with no blood.
bust'm in the shoulder and you'll get more of an exit. just good for ground meat anyway. i've had real good luck with the combo you mentioned. closest shot about 75yds, longest about 250. guess no bullet is perfect.

From what you are describing, the bullet is indeed expanding and the jacket is folding back along the shank producing a small exit wound.

You are indeed making a fatal shot, just no blood trail.
This is exactly the reason I prefer the high lung shot. I put the bullet 2-3" above the center line between the top of the back and bottom of the chest, -tight behind the shoulder. The deer drop and never regain their feet.

I will check into this and try to get a better explanation for ya.

This is more of a question than a suggestion. Why would you not go with a 110 or 120 BT. I would think they would expand quick enough, still make a decent exit wound and turn the heart/lungs to jello. Arent AB's kinda tough for a deer that size. Obviously a shoulder blade would make a difference, but why ruin the meat. Have you tried a PT? I think I will lean that way when Iget the 25-06 outa lay-away. CL
Try using a 100 or 115 gr bt thier not quite as tough and open up a little more leaving a little bigger exit hole with a blood trail.
who needs a blood trail when they drop likes rocks with those 110 accubonds? :grin: . If your getting massive internal injury they won't go far, but if your hunting heavy brush then go with a 100/115 BT, the problem is heavy bone and you going to get some bullet splash and lack some penetration, I want massive internal and ft lbs doing the job over a big blood trail, but I hunt open country and longer shots.

The 115 gr BT is a tough little bullet and will give you reliable exit wounds
on deer sized game.

My only load for the 25-06 is 100 gr at 3300 fps with RL22 or 25. Works for dogs to does.
Sounds like your getting good expansion. Lets face it, when you don't hit bone to create more projectiles inside the deers body, the animal has 4 seconds to run. A deer can cover 40 to 70 yards in 4 seconds. What causes the deer to drop in his tracks is when the bullet shatters and possibly something enters his nervous system or the shot that JD described will do this because the shot puts the spinal column into the bullet expansion shock wave and it incapacitates the animal the 4 seconds he has to expire.