25-06 Pac-Nor

That is a beauty AFG! I dig those old rifles. That looks very nice. Can't wait to hear how it shoots with the new tube.
Very nice AFG, I am looking forward to your range report with more photos (y).
Thank you for posting.

Thank you DrMike, Scotty and Dan. I just sent Pac-Nor another email about shipping. Hope to make this happen soon.
I think you will dig it. I think I'm taking my 25-06 out for a little shooting this afternoon myself.
Nice looking stock Pard! If you can find them...the Hornady 120HP was a stellar performer in a 24".long throated 257 Roberts Improved for me! have a ball Pard!
Fine looking rifle with a personal touch. (y) 25-06 is a fine choice for sure! i hope you enjoy it! No experience with pac-nor though sorry. :(
Thanks Reverend Jim and leadchucker. Yeah, I'm getting pretty excited about it, now the next expense, bullets, brass, dies, etc. etc. But... I do love it.
I think you'll dig it Allen. I really like my 25-06 and look forward to hunting with it this fall. A few on here have taken a bunch of deer and elk with theirs. I have bigger for elk but as a deer cartridge it seems pretty serious.
Pac-Nor called, my barreled action is finished, they did in 6 weeks instead of 10. Can't wait to get it. I went with a 24" super match, #2 contour with a 1 in 9 twist. Thanks everyone for your input, I will post pictures when I get it back together.
Wow! I like everything about that build right there!

Can't wait to hear about it on the range. I'm kinda digging on the 25-06 lately.
I think you're gong to be real happy with that one. Good call on the contour and twist.
Now we're going to need more pics. :grin:
Just received it yesterday, will have pictures once its put back together.

I looked at the 3 groove but the fastest twist was 1 in 10, I went with a 5 groove 1 in 9. Hope it works.
That is a nice looking rifle. I cannot wait until you get it back to try out. The 110 gr. AccuBond sure would be a good bullet in it, and the 115 & 120 gr. Partition. Can't go wrong with the E-tip either!

Went with a stainless barrel and had them cerakote the action, bottom metal, etc. I like it a lot, waiting for new rings and mounts from Midway, were supposed to be here last week.

The stock looks lighter in color because of the flash I think.
Very handsome. It's enough to give a true Winchester-ophile the vapors!