.25-06 powders?

Try 55.0 grains max load for the 120 gr. of 7828, or 58.0 grains of IMR 7828 m load for the 100 grain bullet.
I am looking at the new Nosler 7 and it is saying that most accurate powder for the 100gr is RL19 and it over 3300fps and the 120gr is Retumbo and it is 3100fps or better. I know that it can be different with each rifle but it is another possibility :).

you should be seeing at least 3250-3300 with 100g bullets and max load of 4831...

I'd keep working up in .5g increments myself untill the velocity was a bit higher, or switch powders...

Like I said, I get 100fps over any other powder with RL22/100g NBTs in my 24" model 70 and that was trying everything from 4350-retumbo...And the best part is, it was also the most accurate by far.
I've heard/seen RL-22 recommended a number of times but also seen comments on temperature sensitivity. I'm in south coastal South Carolina, summer is warm, I was wondering about that.
I hope to try 7828 next, if the shortage craziness ever subsides.
Magothy1 - welcome!

And I think you've seen my loads:
H4350 with 100 gr bullets for 3340 fps.
Retumbo with 115 gr bullets for 3120 - 3200 fps.

Both are accurate, and lethal on deer size game.

I used IMR 7828 in .25-06 with good luck with the 120 grain and 115 gr Partitions. Both loads were accurate and fast.
Hello Guy, I was guessing you'd show up, and yes, I have your information right here next to me. When I got this No. 1 the owner sent all his log books, pretty detailed record of his shooting with this rifle, kept in two U.S. Dept of Justice/ FBI Data books. Every target is enclosed, loads, weather, etc etc. Some of the best groups are with 4831, there's a few decent ones with 4350, and good ones with a number of different powders. I have some 7828 coming thru my local club, and like a dummie, when I placed that order I forgot the Retumbo. I feel like a 110 volt bulb running on 12 volts DC some days. Oh well.