25 Creed Striker

Some people just make it look and sound too easy!!!
If we all had that ability to place all of our shots in little itty bitty groups at longer ranges...but for some of us, it keeps us humble and a little more realistic about the "reasonable" hunting distances at which we should be limiting ourselves to on game.
Not a bad start at all at 554 yds. I love my 25 creed XP100. I have found with the handgun that grip pressure and placement mean a lot. Looks like your vertical is about 1/3 MOA the horizontal is that bigger factor on this group. It could very well be the variable wind you have noted. I have also found that for me the grip pressure, especially my thumb pressure will affect horizonal impact at 500 a good bit. I'm not a great shot with the specialty pistols by any means so maybe Ernie Bishop will be along shortly to chime in and maybe give both of us some pointers.
Man you are really giving me the itch to find a "proper pistol". As Ive said, would be legal in the "slug zone" in Mn. Never do it... but a guy can dream. CL
Not a bad start at all at 554 yds. I love my 25 creed XP100. I have found with the handgun that grip pressure and placement mean a lot. Looks like your vertical is about 1/3 MOA the horizontal is that bigger factor on this group. It could very well be the variable wind you have noted. I have also found that for me the grip pressure, especially my thumb pressure will affect horizonal impact at 500 a good bit. I'm not a great shot with the specialty pistols by any means so maybe Ernie Bishop will be along shortly to chime in and maybe give both of us some pointers.
Wind was right to left 5-10 mph. Those 100gr TTSX don’t buck the wind the best. I have some data to work with now. Little concerned on being full minute low. Zero was confirmed before hand. Since I’m now in the process of turning the necks , load will need to be reworked anyway. These bullets were purchased as pulled so some of them have funky tips not helping at that distance.