25 Whelen with 75 gr Hornady Vmax!

Those coyotes have some nice dark color to them. One less deer killer to worry about, good job.
FOTIS":gz5ej6ur said:
you should see what it does to jack rabbits

I never could get the 75 V-Max to shoot in my own .25 Whelen, but 85 BTs work well enough...and they rearrange the anatomy of jackrabbits in the most peculiar ways!
the story is not the best... Same Coyote came in the nite before but couldn't get him.... Last nite at 9:15 the reporter went off so I ran upstairs and hit him with some
Sunshine, but again he bolted 5 min later he came right back! So upstairs again lite him up and ,gone so this time I looked over to the side and he was out there about 50 yards pacing around, so I drew down on him with the green
Lazer and let one fly, course big flash of light but heard a definite hit come back, so then saw him down struggling but he couldnt get up, so he finally stoped andput his head down ,and lay
Still, so I turned off the light, and figured that was it?
This morning ,when I got up ,and looked out there ,he was GONE!?!? I just shock my head....but after some looking I saw him out behind the baitpile, so jumped on a sled ,and went out and he had somehow got his front paws going :and had drug himself ,about 80 yds away before finally expiring......... Not cool....... No exit hole, and inside of him sounded like a gallon of milk 3/4 full sloshing around in there! I didn't correct enough for a 20 mph crosswind so he was hit more in lungs ,front of stomach than were I aimed,right up the front leg....... That's the facts Dr....
Nice! Sounds like the VMax hit him pretty danged hard. Weird he loved so long with that sorta shot but ha dead!
They are some tough , and when I think back over the years I have shot from half a dozen to as many as 17 in a season it adds up to quite a few of them even just in the last 20 years x 7/8 a year it adds up to a fair few of them.And it never ceases to amaze me how much lead they can take sometimes? We have hunters shoot them all the time with 308/ 30-06s during deer season , and usually hit them tooo far back and blow pieces of the ribs right out of them .......................... never to be seen again. The movie I posted a few years ago showing a coyote hit with an 87gr Vmax from a 243 going 3100fps. is proof of that! Hit right in the chest and down thru him and exited right behind his testicles , he took the full blunt of that Vmax and then ran nearly 300 yds before finally expiring....... for those that never got to see it here it is again.
Ok last nite at 10pm I heard the reporter, go upstairs and turn on the lazer, its snowing lightly and have about a fifteen kt crosswind. I see his eyes plainly but his outlined is vague, like a ghostly image at best, so I placed the crosshairs where I thought it would compensated for the wind, and fired. He vanashed! I had headphones on so couldnt tell if I connected or not?
This morning I went out and sure enough I hit him somewhere??? There is blood strung out of him as he ran off, it is a steady mist of spraying blood , and at 10 below it is freezing and laying like beads of red salt every where he goes, I followed him to
The edge of the woods, about 300 yds and he lay down for quire a few hours and there was considerable amount of blood in the bed.
Sometime around daylight he got back up and walked off, and there is very luttle blood from that point on until he takes to the woods about another 300 yds............... not real impressed again, but to be fair I am guessing a lousy hit on my part??
Just not sure whats going on
I don't believe much will just stop them with a marginal hit.

I saw a coyote get hit at about 50 yards this fall with a 300 WBY and a 200 AB at 3050 from the muzzle. It filleted the dog but the old boy was still pretty active trying to drag himself off. A 2d shot finished the poor rascal but darned are they not tough...
Earle, several years ago friend had a problem with wild dogs killing his calves and he got a permit to kill the dogs. I shot one German Shepard cross with my 30-06 with 165gr Hornady SP .Shot was around 150yds, hit him behind the front shoulder and he did a back flip took off on a dead run for about 1/8 of a mile as we watched him running across the fields before he finally expired. The bullet impact almost blew him in two and he still ran. Dogs are tough animals so I figure the Coyotes are also.
I have used the same bullet your using last summer to kill ground hogs for crop damage on a farm and found them to be very explosive and some were almost flesh wounds, might want to try the 85gr BT.
I have these new 90gr Blitzkings to try next and if they dont work better dont know what plan C is going to be!.
However I know better than to blame the gun, its most likely my poor shooting. However the snow coming sidewise isnt
Helping either, and my lights are certainly at the very edge of their abiltys to illuminate them at 300yds. These coyotes are all last springs pups so their eyes look more like a big fox out there, so when standing down behind a 600lb moose there isnt alot
Of them to shoot at, so let me think this over and I will come up with a half dozen more excuses! :oops:
I've literally blown rockchucks apart with the 87gr Hornady bullets from my 25-06. I don't remember if I've shot any coyotes with it but I'm sure it would put the hurt to them.
truck driver":e8myjtnq said:
Earle, several years ago friend had a problem with wild dogs killing his calves and he got a permit to kill the dogs. I shot one German Shepard cross with my 30-06 with 165gr Hornady SP .Shot was around 150yds, hit him behind the front shoulder and he did a back flip took off on a dead run for about 1/8 of a mile as we watched him running across the fields before he finally expired. The bullet impact almost blew him in two and he still ran. Dogs are tough animals so I figure the Coyotes are also.
I have used the same bullet your using last summer to kill ground hogs for crop damage on a farm and found them to be very explosive and some were almost flesh wounds, might want to try the 85gr BT.

Earle -

Coyotes can take a lot of killing sometimes. That being said it is all about shot placement. I have shot them with a .30-06 and had them run a ways before bleeding out just like the story Truck Driver shared. I have also seen this with .22-250s, .243s, and .270s over the years. I dropped one at a little over 400 yards once with my .25-06 and 120 grain Factory loads. Pop, flop. While I was walking out there to get his ears, (there was a bounty on them at the time) he jumped up and ran off dragging his guts behind him. Found him some 400 yards away down by the river the next day.

Seriously any shot in the guts they are likely to run it seems even with heavier artillery.

When it's snowing hard and visibility is low, it's tough to make good shots no matter how pretty of groups we can print from the bench in ideal conditions. Chock it up to the fact that the odds were against a hit to begin with.

The 85-90 grain bullets should hold up better than the 75s in any case but I don't really feel you suffer from a bum bullet more just a bum hit.

Those Blitzkings you got should be a great bullet!

I think that the heavier cartridges & bullets we use for deer, often don't expand fast enough to incapacitate the coyote instantly.

They're sort of "in-between" prey for our rifles & bullets.

Truly fragile/explosive varmint bullets may simply blow up on contact without any real penetration.

Heavier deer bullets may not open fast enough to inflict major damage - as they pass through.

I noted that the coyote I hit at long range in Wyoming a couple of years ago, had almost no external damage. Hit him at 420 yards with a 115 grain Ballistic Tip from the .25-06 Rem. It dropped him instantly and the only reaction I saw after the hit was his tail twirling for a couple of seconds. But, almost no damage to the hide, entrance or exit.

On the other hand, those I've hit with the 115 Berger VLD have had the whole off-side destroyed by the bullet exiting... Instant kills/drops.

I've never tried any bullets under 100 grains from the .25-06, as my primary use for it is mule deer. Coyotes are just targets of opportunity and I prefer to keep the same load avail all the time for that rifle (and most my rifles actually).

Well its really the same old story, it isnt what you hit them with ,as much as where you hit them! Shooting out accross a lake with the wind screaming down it, and the snow defusing the light, and some of these coyotes being very light colored , at night at 300 yds I am right at the edge of were my light can operate, they are looking alot more like ghosts, dritting in and out of the
Scope, of course when they look back here at the house , then I can see their eyes perfectly. ! But holding two mil dots at 300 hundred yards to correct for a 25mph crosswind, when the animal is standing so that means your going to have to hold the center of the crosshairs way out off the actual animal, is something I am still struggling with, I have no problem if that means holding on his butt to hit his shoulder, but when it means holding off hair, it has me flustered! Tonite is clear with a 15kt tailwind, so if one shows you I expect we will have a picture for you in the morning!
Thanks for all the advise, I listen to every bit of it!
Ya - I don't like holding off the animal either. For elevation or windage!

Good luck on the upcoming hunt!

Just something I have got to master, I think this is excellent pratice for the Kansas hunt this Dec. I need to get this wind dopeing, squared away before I ever get there. When we came home tonite at 4:30 it was still broad daylight here, there was about a 25lber , Silver colored songdog standing on the bait! Course he ran the second he saw the Jeep. But I predict he will sneak back tonite as some point, its 5 below here right now,with a 14 kt wind from 300 degrees, so almost a direct tailwind, that is a wind chill of 20 below, but before tomorrow its soposed to drop down to 20 below with this wind it will make it 35/40 below wind chill, and that will bring em out everytime!
Thanks Scotty,
I am sure with this cold weather we are having now, something will stroll out .........
I am going to work on something even better for lighting, as when its snowing out I just dont have enough HP at 300 yds
To penetrate the snow well enough to see outlines......... ditto for blowing snow , the just turn into "grey ghosts" , so I gotta
Step up the candlepower to something that will !! There are options that will getter done, but they are above my paygrade? :evil:
Here you go 3AM, flattened this one with the Vmax ??? Go figure......
Another one of last years pups, beautiful prime fur. Got em!