257 Roberts and 300WSM range day

I have 3 more batches of 110gr AB's loaded up for the Bob. I started where I left off....41.0gr, then 42.0gr and then max listed charge of 43.0gr.

I also set the bullets out to max length for the magazine, which is a fair bit longer than what I ran last time. The recommendation I received of running AB's of 0.01" off the lands is a good one, however my rifle's magazine won't permit that. As it stands, about the closest I can get is 0.05" from the lands, which is where I'm at now.

Almost makes me want to run a (sorry!) GMX, as they tend to shoot quite well at that "jump" from what I've read and what my .30-06 produced with them.
Tom, I would bet you will make them shoot at that length. I can barely ever get that close to the lands and I haven't found any issues with making the AB's shoot. My 264WM only allow them to be seated at mag length and I believe I am pretty far off the lands, at least as much as your current loads are.

Can't wait to hear how they shoot for you. Looking forward to seeing you get a hitter load for that rifle. I expect you are going to find new respect for the small bores, especially when fed excellent bullets.

Oh, don't forget, I have some 115gr PT's and 120gr PT's also. Just give me an address and I will send you some to sample. Love those PT's! Scotty

I've had some good success with GMX in a couple of cartridges. You won't be banned; it's just that you'll be ignored if you admit to using them. :mrgreen:
DrMike":1p866d90 said:

I've had some good success with GMX in a couple of cartridges. You won't be banned; it's just that you'll be ignored if you admit to using them. :mrgreen:

Always good to have Mike around, straight and to the point! Scotty
tddeangelo":282wuf26 said:
I have 3 more batches of 110gr AB's loaded up for the Bob. I started where I left off....41.0gr, then 42.0gr and then max listed charge of 43.0gr.

I also set the bullets out to max length for the magazine, which is a fair bit longer than what I ran last time. The recommendation I received of running AB's of 0.01" off the lands is a good one, however my rifle's magazine won't permit that. As it stands, about the closest I can get is 0.05" from the lands, which is where I'm at now.

Almost makes me want to run a (sorry!) GMX, as they tend to shoot quite well at that "jump" from what I've read and what my .30-06 produced with them.

I am confident you are going to get decent results with these loads. Seating the bullet out farther is a good thing.

Picked up som H4831sc. David recommended a load, and if you're reading along, sir...

The load suggested was 70.0gr H4831sc under a 180gr AB with a Federal 215. That's a bit hot according to Nosler's data online?

I guess I'll start down where Nosler starts with the new powder and inch my way up.

I'm going to try another batch of 63.5gr H4350 and a Fed210 primer with the new seat length, then run some incremental batches of H4831sc at the same length.

The Bob's rounds are done, and the 300's brass needs a little more time in the tumbler before final case prep and loading.

I did FINALLY set up a shelf in my loading room (only been meaning to do it for like 2 years now!) at eye level. I mounted my powder thrower on it and set my balance scale up on it. No more leaning to check the scale!!! Duh....shoulda done this years ago. For now, dies and powder are on there, too, but another shelf will go below it for dies/loading manuals/data logs.

For anyone interested, an electronic stud finder with integrated laser and bubble levels makes SHORT work of shelf installation (and induces less language that young children shouldn't hear!).
tddeangelo":2z9vtawz said:
Picked up som H4831sc. David recommended a load, and if you're reading along, sir...

The load suggested was 70.0gr H4831sc under a 180gr AB with a Federal 215. That's a bit hot according to Nosler's data online?

I guess I'll start down where Nosler starts with the new powder and inch my way up.

I'm going to try another batch of 63.5gr H4350 and a Fed210 primer with the new seat length, then run some incremental batches of H4831sc at the same length.

The Bob's rounds are done, and the 300's brass needs a little more time in the tumbler before final case prep and loading.

I did FINALLY set up a shelf in my loading room (only been meaning to do it for like 2 years now!) at eye level. I mounted my powder thrower on it and set my balance scale up on it. No more leaning to check the scale!!! Duh....shoulda done this years ago. For now, dies and powder are on there, too, but another shelf will go below it for dies/loading manuals/data logs.

For anyone interested, an electronic stud finder with integrated laser and bubble levels makes SHORT work of shelf installation (and induces less language that young children shouldn't hear!).

Man, I can't wait to see what you get Tom. Did you ever get a chrono? I think you are going to find your load pretty quick. You are coming up on a 100 rounds through the rifle, so I would suspect you are getting close. Nosler data is awesome stuff, but with good practices, you can exceed their data carefully. I know they show some very low loads for stuff like the 7RM and such. Again, I think you will be okay working up slowly and chronographing what your getting. It is the only way to really tell what your loads are doing.

I think your 257 will be coming around pretty quickly as well. Scotty
Quick response, pressed for time...

300WSM-- what has become "standard" for it with H4350....1.3-ish group.

H4831sc shows promise. Two groups right on an inch and one at about 1.2. Might have to explore that a bit more. The lower charges shot best, but I have a long way to go to max, although recoil with that powder is more stiff. Velocities (when I can talk the chrony into working) are very consistent....one string stayed at 13fps ES over 5 shots. They are much more consistent with Fed210's than 215's.

I think I'll try some added charge weight to find the ceiling, then take charges that seem most promising and fiddle with seat depth. Went to about 80 on the round count now. Another copper cleaning is in order, but we're fast approaching the point where I expect the copper to slow down and the groups to start to shrink.


Mediocre at best. Groups varied from 1.9 to 1.1. It seemed to shoot better with the deeper seating I'd used before. Reached up into the high 2700's for a 110AB in a 22" FW barrel. Not too shabby.
tddeangelo":33hprjgv said:
Picked up som H4831sc. David recommended a load, and if you're reading along, sir...

The load suggested was 70.0gr H4831sc under a 180gr AB with a Federal 215. That's a bit hot according to Nosler's data online?

I guess I'll start down where Nosler starts with the new powder and inch my way up.

I'm going to try another batch of 63.5gr H4350 and a Fed210 primer with the new seat length, then run some incremental batches of H4831sc at the same length.

The Bob's rounds are done, and the 300's brass needs a little more time in the tumbler before final case prep and loading.

Sorry if this reply is late Tom, but I just saw it. You are correct that according to the Nosler book it's 1/2 grain over. Yes work up cautiously but you know that already. It never showed any pressure signs in my friends Model 70. Now the IMR4831 load shot just a smidgeon over 1/2" at 100 yards and the H4831SC load shot just under 1/2". Maybe that one with IMR4831 would be worth exploring. It was a middle of the road level load but produced the same fps with the AccuBond, or within 20 fps anyway. As I said, they both shot great in his rifle though. Good luck and let me know how it works for you!
Tom, how is the load work going buddy? Hope you are getting that Winchester worked out. Scotty
beretzs":g6b2himg said:
Tom, how is the load work going buddy? Hope you are getting that Winchester worked out. Scotty

Roberts is being a bit stubborn on the AB's. I may try some other bullets when I get through the box.

The 300WSM shows some promise with H4831sc. Man, that stuff FILLS a case,though, holy smokes. Several grains below max weight and it's gotta be near 100% already.

Put in two groups with it that are right around an inch.

Of course, 10 rounds through the barrel means I have some scrubbing to do again to get the copper out. It's still chewing up copper pretty good, so I'm going to say it's still not settled. I should see it stop fouling as badly at some point, and then it should be settled. Up around 80-ish on the round count now on the barrel.
Whats the deal with the 257R Tom? Is it just not being consistent or just not wanting to put them into small groups? Just wondering. i never thought to ask, but what kind of bedding does the 257R have? Is it the Winchester hot glue bedding or has it already been fixed? Do you have any plain flat based bullets to try? Just wondering as I have had a heckuva time once in awhile getting AB's to shoot and then PT's end up stacking them in there.

Glad the 300WSM is starting to settle in some. H4831 should be a great powder with the 180's. Looking forward to seeing some more of your targets. I imagine you should be getting that barrel cleaned up pretty quick. 80 rounds should be getting it fairly smoothed out. Looking forward to seeing more of your targets. Glad the rifle is running well. Seems like it is pretty consistent though. Scotty
DrMike":22qan126 said:
257 Roberts 110 gr AB recovered from water jugs at 100 yds. MV 2874 fps and recovered in the 5th jug, retained weight 72.8 grs.

That is pretty much what I would have expected. It is excellent performance for such a punishing test of the bullet.

I agree, as well as a truckload of Pronghorn. :mrgreen:
beretzs":342shyk8 said:
Whats the deal with the 257R Tom? Is it just not being consistent or just not wanting to put them into small groups? Just wondering. i never thought to ask, but what kind of bedding does the 257R have? Is it the Winchester hot glue bedding or has it already been fixed? Do you have any plain flat based bullets to try? Just wondering as I have had a heckuva time once in awhile getting AB's to shoot and then PT's end up stacking them in there.

Glad the 300WSM is starting to settle in some. H4831 should be a great powder with the 180's. Looking forward to seeing some more of your targets. I imagine you should be getting that barrel cleaned up pretty quick. 80 rounds should be getting it fairly smoothed out. Looking forward to seeing more of your targets. Glad the rifle is running well. Seems like it is pretty consistent though. Scotty

The 257 has a good bedding for the lug. It was made in the XTR era. It does have a slight pressure point at about 9 o'clock at the stock fore tip. The bedding is solid, clean, and tight. I wouldn't be able to improve upon it, put it that way.

I still need to play with seat depth some more and powders. I can get about 1.25" from it. Just hoping for a little better is all.

I think I may need to sand out the pressure point. Was just hoping to avoid that if possible. Might be time to try one of those Partitions you rave about. ;)

The 300 still needs some shooting, I think. It still makes pretty blue patches after 10 or so rounds down the tube. I'm certain I'm not getting it all out, but I get the worst of it at least. I'll consider it "broken in" when the copper fouling slows down some. My dad looked and his rifle was well on its way to 200 rounds before he saw it really dial in tight. Last 5 groups he shot with it went 3/4" or better, though, and my 300 is on a better track than his at this round count, so I'm just plugging away. Just means I have to shoot more...darn it all! :)
td, the model 70 xtrs were supposed to come free floated. If there is barrel pressue at the forend it aint' supposed to be there. My old pops 30-06 xtr had some slightly irregular bedding at the end of the barrel and I used a little sand paper to clean it up. It didn't take much. Just that little bit changed the groups from 2" to sub moa with uuggg "factory ammo". I'd take care of that before I did anything else.
Bruce Mc":22lby7vg said:
td, the model 70 xtrs were supposed to come free floated. If there is barrel pressue at the forend it aint' supposed to be there. My old pops 30-06 xtr had some slightly irregular bedding at the end of the barrel and I used a little sand paper to clean it up. It didn't take much. Just that little bit changed the groups from 2" to sub moa with uuggg "factory ammo". I'd take care of that before I did anything else.

Bruce, what did you use to reseal the wood?