260 rem 120 BT


Mar 10, 2010
Ok guys here's my first attempt with 120 bt, h414 and the new ruger 260 rem, what do you guys think I should do, move the slug in or out, more juice, less juice, I only had 1 3shot group to try, i was loaded at 44.8 just under nosler max, I should of had some other charges fired but it got dark on me! Does it have potential , I plan trying it again.image.jpg
Sorry guys the pic needs to be rotated clockwise, don't now how to do that! It's the triangle 3 shot group.
At around 1 1/4" or so the potential is definitely there. Experimenting with seating depth and charge weight would be good, I bet it won't take long to come up with something really good.
Gerry is correct that it is showing potential. It should give you good service.
Try going up .5 and 1.0 grains.
Then adjust your COL.

One group does not tell you much. Had you previously fouled the barrel before shooting this group? If not you really don't have a true group because that first shot from a clean barrel will not be where the others are. After around 45 years of doing this I have found a pretty good way to find accuracy. Start with the bullet loaded 10 thousands off the lands. I do a ladder loading starting one grain above the suggested starting load and load 3 rounds each going up a half grain with each each batch until I reach the max suggested. Foul the barrel with at least 5 rounds shots before shooting for groups letting the barrel cool completely between each group. Once I find my best group out of this ladder test then I will load that powder weight and do a seating depth ladder starting 30 thousands off the lands and work up to 10 thousands off moving 5 thousands closer to the lands at a time. I have learned the hard way to NEVER load a round that is to be used for hunting closer than 10 thousands off the lands. I once stuck a bullet in the bore when I went to unload my rifle to get up into my tree stand. I had around a half mile walk into my stand and I had in the past killed a number of deer while walking to my stand. I had been loading my bullets to just kiss the lands but I guess that one got loaded just a little longer or the bullet it self had an O-give a little different. Bullet stuck in the bore and the powder dumped all down in the action and I did not have the tools or cleaning rod needed to fix the screw up with me. Lost half a days hunt going home to fix things. By the way those 120 Ballistic tips have been very accurate and really kill deer in everything I have used them in. They also jump really well and have shot great even a mile off the lands in my sported Swede 96 Mauser that has a throat a mile long for shooting those 160 gr golf pencil length bullets.
thanks guys for the help, I do realize 1 group dosen't tell me everything, but hoping this is a good start point, last year it was shooting my 125 PT loads really well, but then I went and did some trigger work, and I'm thinking the screws aren't torqued like they were prieviouly and they have opened up to 1.5 groups. So I guess it's time to start over. I just had these 3 loaded up from a previous outing. The 125 group is the exact same group shape, just slightly bigger. I keep playing and hopefully come up with a winner, if not maybe gun will go down the road.
So I think I'm making some progress, I tried some more H414 and 120 BTs, different c.o.l a and charges, I was getting way frustrated, then I tried some R17 with 120 BTs and 130 abs. This looked a lot more promising! 2 in 1 out, on both, going to try again, same charges, should I push the slug in a little more, the 120s were seated at 2.789 and the 130s 2.797. I'm thinking I need to tween it a hair and hopefully that will help. Pictures are sideways again, top is the 130, bottom is the 120. The 130 is at.75" and the 120 at .85" if I can bring that one in I think I've hot a real keeper!


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Yes, I'd say you are making progress. You certainly can continue to play with OAL, but if you choose to shoot what you have, you're in pretty good shape.