270 Load for Browning A-Bolt

Antelope_Sniper":1nll3kkh said:
Sniper , do you own your own chrono? If so will the distance that you place the chrono from muzzle have any issue with the readings??

Yes it will. if you place the chronograph too close to the muzzle you will not get a reading, and in some instances you will blow the chronograph over and have to go set it up again. Typically, I set mine up between 10 and 15 feet from the muzzle.

I set up my sky screens 15 feet from the muzzleand don't have any problems.

Ten feet minimum with standard cartridges and 12 to 15 for magnum cartridges has always worked for me. I keep a tape measure in my range kit just for this purpose.
Army SGM Retired":2jkyiafe said:
Badgerfan, No it's not to late yet. Went to the range today and I think I have found the load. Looks like IMR 4831, 57 gr seated at 3.26 OAL. It came in at .63 group size with all touching. The velocity average was 2879 so I think I will load another coulpe of 3 round groups and head back to the range for grouping practise. Thanks for the info.

Sounds like you found it! That is a great shooting load you have there. Scotty
Thanks all for the good information. I just finished loading the loads for the next range day. Decided to go with 3 choices them being H4831 at 59.0 and 59.5 also FL22 at 58.5 and 59.0 then ending up with IMR 4831 at 55.0, 55.5 and 56.0. Hope they all give me over 2800 fps and the half inch groups. :roll: More to folow....
Good luck buddy, sounds like you have the load development down pretty well. I would be surprised if one or more of those doesn't get you what you need. Scotty
Oldtrader, I finally ended up going with IMR 4831 with 55.8 gr. The groups with H4831sc just would not stay tight. IMR was 2880 fps with .53 groups and that's touching the BOSS system so I'm heading out Friday for Montreal and on to Labrador Saturday for the big hunt. Thanks all for the help, I just hope I can do my part and stay steady on point for the kill.
Good luck on the hunt! I am glad you worked your load out. You had great technique and were methodical with your loading so it was only a matter of time till you came up with the correct combo. Good luck buddy. Can't wait to see some pictures of the caribou! Scotty
That should be a terrific load for what you need and accurate too! Let us all know how you fare, I really love Caribou meat! I have sucessfully hunted Anticosti Island for deer but never Chimbougamou or Labrador for Caribou.
ALL, I’m back from the greatest hunt that I think that I have ever been on. The Caribou hunt went as all of you had said it would be. Scotty and Doc Mike, you were both on target with what I was going to see. I did not get that 400 yard shot, just a short and quick 30 and a 40 yard shot if I was to stretch it some. WOW, what a hunt!!! The only problem was my son and I was both tagged out the first day in about 3 hours. WOW, what a hunt!! The 270 A-Bolt took them down hard! I ended up with a load of 55.8 grains of IMR 4831 with the hard hitting 140 gr. AcuuBonds traveling at 2880 fps. WOW, what a hunt!! My son used a 30-06 and it also did the job. Both of mine have double shovels with the biggest one having a 49” inside spread with the other coming in at 34” spread. Now I need that site that I can post some pics to, Scotty you sent it to me once but I can’t find it. Can anyone explain where and how to post pictures to the forum? Thanks to ALL that gave me help!
Doc, When I click the "img" thingy I do not get the script note to enter the link address. Not sure whats going on :?:

I use photobucket. Once pictures are uploaded to your site on photobucket, you will see images of your various photos. Hold your cursor over the image you wish to reproduce here on the forum, and you will notice four options below the picture (Email and IM, Direct Link, HTML Code and IMG Code). Hold your cursor over the IMG Code. When it appears, highlight it and copy. Now, with the forum open in another tab or another browser, locate where you want to insert the picture and paste. In this example, you don't even need to click the Img button on the Post a reply screen. It is that simple. The concept is the same on others. If you have further difficulty, let us know and we'll see if we can work this out.
Same here, stick them on Photobucket and just link them into your post. Pretty easy to use.

Congrats on your caribou hunt. Sounds like it was a great hunt. Glad you were able to get your loaded worked out. It sounds like a good shooting load and has plenty of speed for hunting with the 270. Plus, it is has great bullet performance at those speeds. Right in the working area for the bullet. Scotty

OK, here is one of my Caribou that I took with my 270 A-bolt using the outstanding 140 AccuBond.

Here is the second Bou with my son Ed and I. Sorry for the blood in the photo, Hurricane Earl was closing in on us so things happened so quick.
Super pictures. Congratulations to you and your son. A shared hunt like that is priceless. No worries about the blood; we've all seen it at one time or another.
Thought the group would like to see one of the Caribou with a Satellite collar on. She walked within 25 yards of us, could not read the tag number.

We would see 60-80 Bou a day like these with Cow/calfs. Never saw a heard bigger than 20 but they just kept comeing.

The Bulls we shot all came in at the same time and like I said it was quick. We never saw any the size we shot so it was good that we took the ones we did. Hurricane Earl cut some days from us after we tagged out but the fishing was good also. Here the guide holding one that I caught. My son one even bigger, 35" at 15 lbs.
Gary, those are GREAT pictures. I can almost smell some loins on the grill. Give us a run down on bullet performance! I know from the pictures the AccuBond worked well, but us bullet heads like to know what happened after it hit flesh and bone. Again, awesome pictures. Congratulations to your son and you. Looks like an awesome trip. Scotty