270 Winchester

Welcome aboard, I think you’ll find many here appreciate the 270 as overlooked as it may be. I believe I still have a set of dies but I bet I haven’t loaded for one in 30 years. If memory serves, always a question at this point, 3031 and a 130 Partition gave good accuracy and results on mule deer. I’ve always thought the 270 and the 130s go together like bread and butter. I like H4350 as I have been able to work up an acceptable load in quite a variety of cartridges from 257 Roberts to 375 HH. In a couple cartridges it is my favorite powder. I know little to nothing about hunting Australia, could use a little information on what and where you will be hunting.
Your inbox as it were will fill up shortly with much more useful information, welcome aboard.
My experience with the .270 is somewhat limited compared to others here. You could say I’m late to the party as I’ve typically preferred the .30-06 and .25-06 cartridges.

Like Don said, the .270 and 130’s go together like bread and butter. Try 4350 and/or 4831, with any good 130 grain bullet and you will find an accurate load.
As great as the 130 gr bullets are in the 270 Win, I prefer the 140 gr bullets for balance between velocity and weight for better penetration. But I am just as likely to encounter larger game such as moose and elk when hunting deer, and want that little heavier bullet then. I have used both the Nosler Ballistic Tip and AccuBond with great results. I also choose accuracy over velocity, as found in my rifles.

These have been used successfully on caribou, mtn goat, mule deer, and moose over the years. (The moose was taken with a Trophy Bonded Bear Claw as loaded by Federal Premium ammunition back in 1999.)

While I have limited experience handloading the 270 WIn (I have done more handloading for the WSM and Wby over the years), most of the data I have used on hand was for Re-19 and 22. Might be OK if you have a good supply on hand...may want to look at other powder suppliers if you don't, due to their current supply issues.
The first great load I put together for my 270 win was a 130 gr Partition and H-4350. I've found that 130 Partitions are finicky to length and I really couldn't tell you what that length is because all five of them were different. 130 Sierra Game Kings have also done well. I've also worked up 130 gr loads with IMR 4451, and I'm currently using Reloder 16. I can't recommend those because they are hard to find or just discontinued. Recently I worked up 150 gr Partition load with Ramshot Grand. Outstanding velocity and accuracy. There a lot of combinations that will work well in your 270. Just use what you have available and give it a try.
Call me odd man out. The last time I loaded ammo for the .270 was in 2009. I loaded the 150 gr. Sierra Game King over a charge of the now very long gone WMR powder for an antelope hunt. Personally, I not a fan of the very popular 130 gr. bullets as they messed up too much eating meat and just never got around to using the 140 gr. bullets. A very good friend uses that same bullet in his .270 Win. and .270 WSM with great results on elk. Naturally YMMV.
Paul B.
We load for a couple of 270’s and have had great results with the Speer 130 sbt a cheap bullet but more than capable for goats, pigs, deer in Australia and a good range bullet for practice. The SST’s by hornady also work well as have the game kings and ballistic tips in that 130 grain weight. We have been loading 55 grains of 2209, but that was after we ran out of RL22.

I have a friend who is loading 150 nbt’s and switches to the AccuBond when hunting. That thing really hits with some authority and is very accurate. From memory it chronographs at mid 2,800’s fps.
Ramshot Hunter is good in the .270 if you want something cheaper than 4831.
I got lucky I bought most of my bullets before 2020 in .270.
I have plenty Partition 140 grain and 150 grain.
I also got the Federal Fusion bullets in 150 grain cheap as well but today neither are cheap.
I prefer heavier bullets usually the 2nd or 3rd tier up in all my caliber choices.

You can get these pretty cheap right now at under $30 for a 100 I shoot them in my 30/06 the 170 grain ones and they do work very well on deer. Can't say if the smaller diameter would work as well in .270 it is similar to a Nosler Ballistic Tip.

These are more expensive but you can not go wrong with an Oryx unless you are taking very long shots. I shoot them in my 7mm Mag, 30/06, and 300WSM and they all drop the deer within eyesight. Now I don't have any Norma bullets for my .270 as I said earlier I bought all my bullets before 2020 so I am loaded in Nosler and Federal bullets.

In heavier bullets you can also use Ramshot Magnum and Grand which were both on sale just recently. last week you could of gotten 8lbs of Grand for $260 with free shipping but Midway took the sale off now it's high priced again.
Welcome to the forum. The 130 is the most common but the 140gr certainly works just as well. Yor 4350 powder will do just fine. Later on, you can try some slower powders such IMR4831, H4831, Hunter, Stabal6.5 all good. Let's know how it works for you.