I know that I don't make many threads, but I felt that ya'll might be interested in this. last year I when though a rough time tying to figure out what was wrong with my 280 AI. I had change stock scope and mounts. I wanted to go the tactical route and order a Boyds Tacticool or what they now call the Pro Varmint. Went with a Vortex Viper HST in 6-24x,30 mm tube, I used Burris Z rings with the Burris Weaver to Ruger mounts. Glass bedded, and put a KLW adjusted cheek rest in the stock. Ever thing looked good, but the rifle would not shoot. Inch and a half group was the best it would do. Was having bad ES and SD with the loads, which was 62.5 grs of RL-22 with 139 gr Hornady SST and CCI 200 primers. This was a accurate load with the original stock and scope. Thought it might be my cony, which is a Cony F1, order a Magnetospeed cause got pissed about not working in the changing light. thought it might be the dies and order a 3 piece Redding dies, body die, neck die and micro adjustable sitting die. Still no joy, finally last winter I talked to a guy that's on the National F Class team. Showed him the targets before and after the change. Talked about the ES problem and his recommendation was to change powder and primers. The national team is shooting 284 Win and with a 30 inch barrel and his accuracy loads is running at 2950 fps. He said he would give me some of his primers and powder, which is CCI BR-2's and H4831SC. Was nice of his as he gave me a pound of powder and 2 flats of primers. He said he could find anything wrong with the rifle, but he would go back to the original configuration and see if it would shoot. I did last spring with the RL-22 load and the rifle shot. I then ran a spread using the H4831SC, BR-2 primers and 140 gr Ballistic Tips, only 2 shots per load, but was thinking that if it didn't put to shots together what good would it do to shoot more. At 62 grs holes were almost touching so I ran a 10 shot group the Magnetospeed to check velocity, ES and SD. Out of a cold clean bore first shot ran 3150 fps and the next was 3115 fps. I was thinking that is wasn't going to work, when the next 8 shots all fell in line with the second. the last nine shots had a ES of 24 and a SD of 8.3 with an avg of 3106 fps. I guess the barrel wanted to be fouled, But I was liking what I saw. The velocity is down a little bit compared to the RL-22, but if it was an accurate load I could live it. Well check out the pic, I think it will do just fine. :grin:
Dr. Mike it was the Boyds stock, I sure it was something with the bedding that was not right. Boyds makes a fine stock, but I must have got the bedding right on the Richard Microfit cause it just shoots well. The rifle now has new Ruger 30mm rings, no adapters and the Vortex Viper scope. Two years ago I found a Ruger No 1 that had been rebarreled with PacNor 26" barrel chamber in 280AI. Shot it today with the basic same load and 5 shot out of 8 went into a 1/2" group. Had some vertical spread with the other 3 shots. Love the No 1 looks and handling, but sure is hard to shot well off a bench.