280 AI brass


Dec 13, 2006
Switched 280 AI rifles and mistakenly gave all my 280 AI brass with the rifle I sold.

Seems Nosler 280AI brass is hit or miss in quality. Seems other brands are hard to find.

I am going to fire form some R-P brass to get started.

Wondering about getting some Lapua brass and forming 280AI brass from it?

Start with 270 and neck up or 30-06 and neck down.

Seems people like the quality of the Lapua brass.

Thoughts from the experts?
I fire form 280 Rem R-P brass. I just load a max load and shoot it. I usually get about 8-10 loadings for case life.

Lapua 30-06 brass should be a cinch to Make into 280 Improved brass. Size the neck till you have a solid, crush fit, load and shoot. Can’t see you ever getting better brass than that.
Funny thing. Was cleaning the man cave today and found a large bag of Rem 7mm Exp brass that was already fire formed for 280AI. Must have come with a previous rifle.
Funny thing. Was cleaning the man cave today and found a large bag of Rem 7mm Exp brass that was already fire formed for 280AI. Must have come with a previous rifle.
Amazing what lies hidden in the dark recesses of most of our reloading rooms.:D
Amazing what lies hidden in the dark recesses of most of our reloading rooms.:D
Yes. I found a bag of fired 30-06 brass the other day. I don't own a 30-06 and I don't know where it came from. It is way too much brass to come from Caleb's 30-06 that I load for, plus the headspace is different from his rifle.

Orchemo, I am glad you found what you need. Dan.