280 remington loads with 160's?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
A buddy's 14 year old kid just put a Ruger 77 on law-away. I promised to help him get a load for deer, antelope and elk. So.....

Any loads? Accuracy? Velocity? Thank you!

I have yet to launch any 160's out of my .280
I've started playing with it a little again wanting to use the 140gr AB -

My go to load has always been a max charge of Viht N-165 & 150gr BT's Always under 3/4 inches.
This is out of one of the first Synth - stainless Rem 700 Mtn Rifles
I sold my .280 Remington in a Remington MTN rifle as I needed some cash at the time. I NEED to replace it with another .280 of some type. My load was as follows.

Winchester brass, Federal 210 primers, 140 gr. Nosler Partition (or AccuBond), 54.0 grs of IMR4350. It chronographed 2940 out of the 22" barrel and shot great in that rifle. 3/4" 3-shot 100 yard groups were the norm.

Great rifle for just about everything. My preference leans towards the 140 gr. bullets in it. They sure worked for me. I shot my biggest bull with that rifle. :grin:
Thank you guys. 150 PT will do for elk too so feel free.

I seldom shoot 160s in my 280. I have worked up loads with the 162 grain Solid Base and the 162 grain Hornady SST at various times. However, I have worked up several loads with various 150 grain bullets. Recently, I've had some great success with 150 grain PTs and 53 grains of H100V. MOA groups and velocities approaching 2800 fps in a 22 inch barrel. I can squeeze slightly more velocity out of a 150 grain Sierra Game King with 56.5 grains of IMR 4831, but accuracy is no better. I can get 0.5 MOA with 150 grain Winchester Power Points and W760, but velocity is very low. Everything considered, the 150 grain PT and H100V is the load I would lean toward in my 280. For what it is worth, my own load is 140 grain PT and 54 grains of H100V. 0.76 inches and velocity of 2925 fps. It is a little light for elk, but I would think the bullet was up to the task.

Here are my 280 Remington go to loads...

140 gr BT/PT
57.0 grs RL 19
R-P case
Federal GM210M primer

160 gr PT
54.0 grs IMR 4831
R-P Case
Federal GM210M primer

Both shoot under .5 MOA.

I haven't shot 160's out of my 280 either,I'm going to work up an Elk load for it later this year with a 150gr PT.My gun is a nail driver with a 140gr BT and IMR-4831 and a 140gr AB with H4831SC.Both loads have a muzzle vel of 3,000 FPS.
I'm loading 150-grain Partitions over 58.5 grains of H4831SC. By varying seating depth I have been able to keep five shots under an inch out of my econo-custom VZ-24. Best seating depth for me seems to be about .025" off the lands. Velocities are about 2940 at the muzzle. At 59.0 grains, velocity was just shy of 3000 fps but the accuracy just wasn't there.

With 160-grain Accubonds, I was loading up to 63.0 grains of Ramshot Magnum. Velocities ran about 2875 fps. I never found a real consistently accurate load with the AccuBond, though. I suppose maybe my rifle just likes 150-grainers better. The Partition load was so much easier I decided I'd just go with it.

I have played with Magnum using 140-grain and 150-grain bullets, and it just didn't work out. I think Magnum needs a little more resistance to develop good ignition and burning. The 160s seem to have just enough mass to make it happen.

If you happen to have some Magnum on hand, you might find an excellent load using those 160-grain Accubonds. The velocity's certainly there.
Thank you.

My thought was ti use the KISS method as I mentioned before. One good bullet for deer bear elk and antelope, though I think his 243 will be used more for antelope.
I have been loading 160 partitions in my 280 rem since 1998. It does make things simple. 6 antelope, 2 deer, 2 cow elk and 1 large bull. The bullet always exited with a nice big hole. I think I will take it for my cow/calf elk tag next month. 280 rem is an old friend at my house.
Pop I've had real good luck with 150gr Sierra sbt. ,with 53gr.of IMR4350 Fed 215 mag primer .Shooting it out of a T/C encore will cut bullet holes repeatedly have killed some big whitetails with load always shoots through and not much tracking if any . :grin:
wildman":3px0sysm said:
Pop I've had real good luck with 150gr Sierra sbt. ,with 53gr.of IMR4350 Fed 215 mag primer .Shooting it out of a T/C encore will cut bullet holes repeatedly have killed some big whitetails with load always shoots through and not much tracking if any . :grin:

Any elk?

I think the perfect bullet for the 280 Remington to hunt this mixed bag is the 150 gr PT.

Pop I haven't tried this load on elk but certainly wouldn't hesitate to use it on elk I'm sure there is not a elk walking that could stand for long with a lung shot from this load..
Thank you fellas. Whatever he decides on, at least weight wise that is.
I tried IMR 7828 with 160 gr ab in my wifes 280 don't remember the charge but it shot very good.