

Sep 28, 2009
Ok thanks again for all the info.. I cant make up my mind. Does anyone use an 280 rem? I think i like this one from what i have read.. What do you guys think? Thanks Nic
My favourite all around cartridge. I'll be carrying it this weekend when I make a foray into the field in the evening for a whitetail doe. I'm uncertain which load I will carry as I have several that shoot very well. Two had top my list are 140 grain BST stoked with 59.5 grains of WXR and 140 grain AB powered by 56.0 grains of RL19. Either will give me bug holes at excellent velocities. If I were ever compelled to pare down to one rifle, I would hope it would be the 280.
The 280 Rem is a fantastic cartridge that is well suited for North America. Factory loadings are loaded down but with good hand loads, its on the heals of the 7mm Rem Mag.
The 140 gr bullets are well suited for deer and antelope. I have killed quite a few WT deer with the 140 gr BT and it kills like lighting! The 160 gr bullets are ideal for elk.
RL 19, IMR 4350, and IMR 4831/ H4831SC are the powders to look at for the 280 Remington.

You have made a wise choice. I so want to replace the .280 I sold a few years back as I needed the cash at the time. Oh to have one in the Ruger Model 77 MKII Sporter with the laminate stock, or the Remington CDL with a laminate stock and stainless, or the Remington Mountain rifle again with the laminate stock......... I need one again. I am going through some serious withdrawls. It is one of the best out there and like others have said, with a 24" barrel it is only a touch behind the 7mm Rem mag!!

I chose a great bullet for mine and used it for elk, black bear, deer, antelope, coyotes, and everything. 140 grain Partition or AccuBond with IMR4350 worked for me, but I saw some real potential with the H4831SC. You WILL NOT regret this decision!! :lol:
You won't be disappointed with the .280 as it is a great all around cartridge.
I think this one is greatly over-looked as JD stated due to being loaded to the lower levels.

I've taken both Mulies and Elk with mine from the 120gr B-tip through 150gr B-tips.
Have had excellent results with N-165 & 150gr B-tips.
If the 30-06 mated with the 270 their offspring would be the 280.

Very underrated round that can do just about everything!
Co243Win - I'm enjoying all your questions about the different cartridges and the very well educated answers from the posters here. But...

Don't you have a .30-06 Model 70?

A good .30-06 really pretty well eliminates the "need" for any of the other medium power rifles, such as a .270, .280, 7mm RM, whatever... For most practical purposes, what one can do, so can the others. Essentially in a good sporter rifle, they're all easily 300 yard capable deer rifles that can be pushed for elk with good bullets.

At this point, it's really a decision you get to make about which rifle you prefer, there's a zillion different cartridges available that will all do about the same thing in the field. With a good .30-06 on hand, unless you've got a burning desire to own a new rifle, just load up a couple thousand rounds of ammo, hit the target range for a lot of practice and simply go hunting.

On the other hand, it is a lot of fun to play with new rifles and cartridges... :mrgreen: That "fun" factor explains why there are ten rifles that I use at least semi-regularly instead of just a .22 rimfire and my trusty ol' .30-06 bolt rifle... Life would be simpler with just the two though.

Regards, Guy
Yes i have a Model 70 3006. That is going threw a bad time right now.. It was given to me by my dad was i was 15. I will never get rid of that gun but i do want a new one. This will be the first rifle i will be buying new. I know the 06 will do everything i need it to. I just want a new toy ..
POP":1nyl5sqk said:
If the 30-06 mated with the 270 their offspring would be the 280.

Very underrated round that can do just about everything!

I never thought of it like that, but you are right.

The 280 Rem is under loaded by the factory BUT if you load it to its true potential, it is one heck of a round.

"I just want a new toy .."

And that sir, is an outstanding reason to buy a new rifle! :grin:

I had my .30-06 from Dad all along, but felt a strong desire to go out and mess with all sorts of different rifles - so I did, and do. It's been a lot of fun. Take your time, find a rifle that you really like. Maybe a Super Grade Model 70? They're pretty danged nice... Maybe a Kimber Montana? Light, handy, and they feel great in hand. Take the plunge on a Nosler custom rifle? Believe they've still got a very good discount offered to NRA members now - and they're very good rifles.

Get a rifle you like, there are a zillion different cartridges that all do about the same thing in the field. They all chuck a .277 - .308 bullet downrange at various velocity levels. In the field, for mule deer to 300 yards, I just haven't seen ANY real difference in killing power from the little .243/6mm class up through the .30's - dead is dead, and it's really hard to beat "instant" for a quick kill. I suppose if the primary use was for elk, I'd be tempted to recommend a bigger cartridge, but most of the elk hunters I know just use their deer rifles, with good bullets and it works out just fine.

Get the rifle you want, exactly which chambering is less important to me - there are a mess of different cartridges that will all do about the same thing.

Regards, Guy
I hate to admit it, but Guy is right! :evil: If you have a 30-06 you really do not need ANYTHING ELSE. :cry: That being said, I believe we all have to come out of the closet so to speak and admit we ALL are, and need a support group in the worst way. It is called RADD or commonly refered to as RIFLE ADDITION DEFICIT DISORDER! The only known cure for it is a periodic cleansing of the soul, and the only andidote is what is commonly refered to as theraputic shopping. You don't think this exists, just check out your wifes bags the next time she comes home from Macy's or Dillards and has 3 new outfits with 3 new pairs of shoes. Yes, she has one pair at home right now that would probably not only work with those three new outfits she just bought yet would also work for a multitude more that are already hanging in her closet. Not to mention that she probably already has I would estimate on average 40 pairs of shoes! Last time I was doing one of those honey-do projects of painting our master bedroom, I had to take every pair fo shoes out of her closet. There were at least 40 different pairs of shoes, and whats worse is that some of them I honestly do not believe she has ever worn. I am sorry but I digress here just a touch and let's get back on the subject at hand, RADD. I think Nosler already has this figured out and I cannot think of a better Forum to throw out ideas out there than the guys that get on this site. I believe we have been working very well together and we are all steering CO.243win on the right track. There have been some very helpful suggestions that have been brought to the table and I believe it's clear as mud to him now. 8) He not only has to buy a .280 Remington, but a 6mm Remington as well. There also were some strong indications that a 25-06 might be coming down the road as well! You see my point.

So in reference to this serious problem of a lack of 6mm Remingtons I have suggested this, and you have to follow my advise. Go to the Montana Rifle Company web site that I have so graciously placed on this reply to simplify things, and do it immediately. They make their own actions that are based on the best of the Model 70 Winchester and the best of the Mauser 98. They are located in Kalispell and are made in the United States of America! 8) I'll try to put a picture of one of their products on this page so you can drool a little. I have found that drooling is all a part of the healing process for this disease that we have finally given a name to, RADD. I am putting this out there as I want to share my story with you all in the hopes that it might help others! Just by my handle and the fact that I have put photo's of my Ruger #1B in 6mm Remington on the pages of this wonderful healing web-site, it is blindingly clear that I suffer from this addiction. I already have a wonderul 6mm Remington, but I want ONE more! I want one in a bolt action, and I want it based on the Mauser/Winchester/Ruger style, this is how badly that I am inflicted. I must say that by speaking about it and admitting it, right now at this exact moment I made a decision. I am going to start to immediately stash a few dollars here and there when I can, and maybe pick up some overtime here and there when it comes available. I have seen the light though and decided that I am either going to a Winchester or a Ruger rifle, most likely a used one, and have one of my gunsmith buddies (2 I mentioned previously are wonderful) get a Shilen or a Lilja barrel and chamber it in 6mm Remington. I want the action to be 3" so that the bullets can be seated out where they should be and still have room in the magazine so that they aren't slamming into the front of the magazine box. I feel exhausted and yet relieved at the same time. S*$@&! I just remembered I have to get another .280 Remington to replace the one I HAD to sell a couple years ago too. Help! :?:

Co243Win":2yaaff0r said:
Ok thanks again for all the info.. I cant make up my mind. Does anyone use an 280 rem? I think i like this one from what i have read.. What do you guys think? Thanks Nic

Had the .280 come out before the .270 Win., And I might be wrong,,,, but I think most would be saying ".270 what"You won't go While the .270 is an excellent round in it's own right, neither would you go wrong with choosing the .280.
Love the 280 rem. Bought a stainless/laminated ruger 15 years ago. Shot many antelope,deer,elk and a big horn sheep. I bought a weatherby ultra light about 3 years. I sold the ruger to a new hunter this year. He has taken an antelope and nice mule deer this weekend. He loves it too. The ruger went to a good home. I use the weatherby on antelope deer and my 2nd elk license every year. 160 grain partitions work very well for me. Bull elk I use 300 or 338. Buy the 280 you will not regret it :grin:
If you have an 30-06, step up to a 338 caliber rifle! Then you are well covered for anything in this great continent! Hard to go wrong with a good 338 Win Mag in a new M70! Scotty
I have mastered the mid range calibers. In the cabinet I have a 7m-08, 308, 270, 280 and 30-06. I love my 280 and if I had to go with one, given I can load for it, It would be the 280. That being said what do I use the most......my 7m-08. :? Course this is for Michigan hunting. Out west I'd go a bit larger.

Back when the .280 was a fledgling pup, and could not make it's mind up to be a .280, 7mm Express, or 7-06 I made up a 7mm-06 by using a .280 reamer stopping short of full chamber and headspaced it with a 30-06.

I have shot many rounds through it and dropped many deer from up close and personal to over 500yds two times.

I started with using 140gn bullets and found they worked but made a mess on the animals I have settled on a 160gn.

Had I to do it over again in this present day and age my .280 would be chambered for 280AI and have Nosler brass in it.
long -

Nothing wrong with that 7-08 out here :wink: I've reached out and touched my fair share of game with mine. Personally I've always thought it
came down to what you could shoot best and most comfortable with.
Short of one specific area we hunt, the good ole .260 will always do what I need in these parts.