2nd time shooting 350 yards today with the 6.5 CM.

Wincheringen":24ku08a8 said:
If you have access to some Ramshot Hunter I really recommend that.
I believe there are a couple pounds at a local store. I've heard good things about it. I may pick it up and try it out

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Wincheringen":weq06ioj said:
If you have access to some Ramshot Hunter I really recommend that.
I believe there are a couple pounds at a local store. I've heard good things about it. I may pick it up and try it out

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Thanks DrMike. I believe there is some ramshot Hunter in a local store. I'll try to pick some up sometime.

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Got some 129 SST loaded up to try tm morning. Did the 10 round test looking for velocity flat spots. Found two nodes. Going to go with the lower one at 42.5 grains. I need to be around 2830 to match my turrent. So hopefully this goes as well as the last load development did.

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Well the 129 SST was a disappointment for me today. I could not seat them anywhere near the lands in my rifle. Seated some to mag length which ended up being .070" jump. Figured I must have messed up measuring to the lands, so I did twelve more measurements. The average of those measurements came to 2.260" to touch the lands. So feeding from the magazine I had .070" jump. Seated some to the cannelure and they were
.160" Jump. So just ended up being confused lol. Tried loads at .160", .130", .100", .090", and .070". All were three shot groups with smallest being 1.047" and largest being 3.60". With the other three loads falling in between those two. I sat one of the SST's beside a 140 gameking, and it was quite a bit longer. The entire red tip plus some more of the jacket sat above the tip of the Gameking. So I'm kind of at a loss, my magazine max coal is 2.835". Kind of at a loss on what to try next.

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So it looks like I'm going to start the season off with the TTSX. They are wonderfully accurate, just hope they perform well. Called Barnes earlier today and talked to Ryan (great guy by the way). The 120 TTSX has to have minimum of 1900 fps to expand reliably. That puts me out to about 500 yards, considering I'll never shoot a deer that far I'm just not gonna worry about it. At 350 yards I'll still have 2100+ fps. Ryan said they will expand no problem at that speed.

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I put a lot of moose, elk and deer (both white tail and mule deer) in the freezer with a TSX. Don't see why a TTSX won't work equally well.
Yep it's fun. Also very humbling when you do it for the first time. Any weak points in your form really come to shine out there. Especially little things you never pay attention to at 100 yards

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Tried the 129 SST loads again today. My rifle apparently hates them. All three groups were over 1 1/2 inches, well actually close to 2 inches. Just to make sure something wasn't loose I shot one group with the Barnes load. And apparently nothing was wrong with the rifle lol.

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Yep I think I'm gonna throw in the towel on the SST's I'm giving up on them lol. That Barnes load is the most consistent load I think I've ever had. Once I got the seating depth set I don't think it has shot over 1/2" at 100 yards.

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I'd say you are jumping the SST's to far . you could load them out close the the lands and single load the rifle if you wanted to give that a try .
jimbires":10hsdhj3 said:
I'd say you are jumping the SST's to far . you could load them out close the the lands and single load the rifle if you wanted to give that a try .
I had thought about doing that, but as an extra hunting load I don't wanna be single loading. I believe it is too far to jump them, and I'm always had great accuracy with hornady bullets. I'm sure they would shoot good at .010-.020" off the lands. Don't really know why the SST are so different I can jam the 140 gameking or 140 hot cor into the lands and still feed from the magazine, but not the SST. Believe I'm gonna donate them to my brother for his Swede. The TTSX will be my first load, and if it ends up being too tough I'll fall back to my 140 Gamekings.

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the SST is a long slick bullet , think of it as being like the Berger VLD . there is a lot of nose before you get to caliber size . that's what makes them too long for most magazines trying to reach the lands . if your rifle had an extended mag box , or built on a long action , you would be fine .