30-06 125 and 150 gr. COAL's


Aug 31, 2011

Can anybody out there please tell me what the COAL is supposed to be for the Nosler 125, and 150 gr solid base ballistic tips in 30-06 Springfield? The book i've got has the COL's for all the other bullet brands but not Nosler.

Thanks a lot.

Busy gearing-up for a coues hunt
30-06s have looooog throats so you could load those bullets out as long a possible and you still could not reach the rifling. You can load the bullets out to any length that will work through your magazine and be OK. Playing with seating depth usually you will find a node that your rifle likes and will be the most accurate. Find your most accurate powder load with the bullet seated to max length that will work in your magazine. Then load 5 rounds 10 thousands deeper and 5 rounds 10 thousands deeper than those until you get about 40 thousands deeper than you max mag length and test them to see if you get better accuracy our of your of those. A standard reloading rule to follow with bullet seating in general is to seat at least one caliber worth of bullet into the case. That means in your case at least .308 of an inch of bullet from the base of the bullet should be down in the neck of you case. Those COAL's in the loading manuals are just what will work through the action in most rifles. By the way the 125 Ballistic Tip is a super deer killing bullet. Just keep it below 3100 fps impact velocity and it will drop them in their tracks.