

May 12, 2006
I have a 30/06 die so I figured I would try to load for it. I see H4350 and IMR 4350 are go to powders as well as the RL19 and RL22 powders. I can get H4350 easily, my question is how does the /06 do with Varget? I have a pound of the stuff and nothing to shoot it in. I hear it is like magic dust in a .308 Win, anyone have any experience with it in the /06? I would like to shoot 180's.

Also, is there any significant variance lot to lot in the RL line of powders?

Also, I have a kenetic bullet puller, if I pull Partitions with it will it damage the lead tip? I have 97 loaded 180's factory, but they are different lot numbers. I would like to pull them and reload them.

Never tried Varget in 30/06 so can't comment on that. Put a foam ear plug in the bottom of the bullet puller and it will prevent bullet tip damage.Rick.
Varget has worked well for me in all bullet weights for 30-06. I loaded up to 180gr. I bought Varget to load 22-250 for varmints, but tried it in 30-06 and found it to be easy to meter out and clean burning. One caution; check before you use any propellant in gas operated rifles. Usually for gas operated rifles you are better off sticking with the gas rifle manufacturers recommendations for hand loads.
I use a collet puller a lot, but only to recycle the bullets for plinking. The collet can distort the bullet to the point that groups will open up. The kinetic puller, while slowwer, can be used to save bullets that you may want to use for hunting and maintain your point of impact.
Thanks for the replies, never though of the ear plug trick, I will have to do that. I wondered if the collet puller would deform the bullets. Since I have the kenetic puller I will do that for now. Thanks for the advice on the Varget also, the gun I will be loading for is a Ruger MKII.
I have always had great performance in the 30-06 with IMR4350. RL22 would also be a good powder to try.

Good idea with the ear plug in the bullet puller!

I have used both types of bullet pullers and have never had a problem with the collet type puller distorting bullets. I have a Forster and Hornady type collet puller, no problems with either.Rick.
I shoved a cotton ball into my bullet puller and it protects the bullets. For only $19.95 plus shipping, handeling and a couple of beers, I'll send you my preferred cotton ball. Or you can raid your wifes make-up kit. It's up to you.
Colin, as tempting as the cheap price is for your patented cotton ball, I think I will have to pass. I can get them for $19.94 and a beer here, so sorry man.......

Thanks again
Well you gotta try, right?

I've had really good results with the cottonball, but the ear plug idea is a great idea too. Sometimes the powder gets stuck in the cotton.
Ok, no 4350, the guy at the place said that H414 is a good 30/06 powder, so I figured I would try it. I shoot it in my .260 so if it doesn't work, I needed the powder anyways. I am going to work with the Varget later also.

Question time again, the loads I have are Federal Premium 180 NPT's, but they are all from different lots, for $11 a box I could not pass them up. When I pull these bullets I figure I will need to resize, do I just pop the live primers out like a dead one with the resizing die? I have never fooled with live primers and neither manual I have mentions getting out live primers.

Looks like working up to 55.5grs of H414 is the goal hopefully I will find some accuracy in there somewhere.

You need to at least neck size after pulling the bullets. Just remove the depriming pin and leave the primers in the case. If you want to use a different primer, just deprime as usual. I have deprimed hundreds of unspent primers without a problem. Just follow the usual precautions when doing so in case one were to go bang. They would be in the die and wouldn't cause a problem other than a good scare. I set off a few using an old Lee Loader where you tap them into the case. Makes loading the next one interesting. Wear safety glasses.Rick.
The reason I was going to deprime and reprime is I have CCI 200's and I assume the Federals use Federal 210 primers. I figure when I reload them there would be a component change and a different group. Would the CCI and Federal primers be the same? I guess I could just order some Federal 210's, that was kind of a stupid statement above, just disregard it........

As for the Lee Loader, I had a primer pop on me when I was loading some 45/70 stuff, after my heart started back beating I went and changed my drawers and bought a Lee Hand Primer......
I load most of my hunting '06 and 280 ammo with Fed 210 primers, never had an issue.
CCI primers typically have a harder cup in them, but I use CCI or Win. or what ever in things like my M1 Garand for plinking.

As for loads I changed up my '06 load this year for 165 Gr AB's, went with 58.0 grs of RL-19.
Shooting about 3/4 inch at 100 yrds, for a hunting gun that works for me.
rick smith":3sgoslgn said:
You need to at least neck size after pulling the bullets. Just remove the depriming pin and leave the primers in the case. If you want to use a different primer, just deprime as usual. I have deprimed hundreds of unspent primers without a problem. Just follow the usual precautions when doing so in case one were to go bang. They would be in the die and wouldn't cause a problem other than a good scare. I set off a few using an old Lee Loader where you tap them into the case. Makes loading the next one interesting. Wear safety glasses.Rick.

When trying to salvage an already primed case, at times the primers need to be reseated due to pressure in the case forcing them out a bit. I am in favor of a clean slate when it comes to pulling down ammo.
Mag41, please explain how pressure in an unfired case forces the primer out. If you are using a kinetic puller it forces the primer into the case not out and a collet puller has no effect on the primer. I am not following what you said. Thanks.Rick.
rick smith":m0n6yd7n said:
Never tried Varget in 30/06 so can't comment on that. Put a foam ear plug in the bottom of the bullet puller and it will prevent bullet tip damage.Rick.

Wow, that's an awsome idea. I can't remember how many tips I've damaged due to that. And such a simple solutions.
Thank you.

Well, I got half the PT's pulled, the foam in the kenetic puller is awesome. Started with some loads today with H414 and they sucked, I started shooting at 55yds to to get a feel and that is the best place for me to shoot with a bakstop. 54.5 was terrible, 55 was bad, 55.5 showed promise and was the book max. There were zero pressure signs so I called a friend and he said to possibly work up a little higher but be careful, 56grs shoots very good at 55yds, pretty much one hole. Now I need to see how it will do on out at 100. I can shoot 55yds and 200+ with nothing in between because I will be shooting up hill due to the lay of the land. I went to 215 and the group was pretty bad, but the wind was gusting by then up to around 15mph and the 1" dot I was shooting at was a total blur, I need a better scope if I plan to move out that far. With the 56gr load there are still no pressure signs, bolt is not sticky, extraction is easy, primers are fine, should I work up a little more to see how it reacts, or just stay here? My OAL is 3.30, which is almost maxed out I am around .015 off of max. Velocity is good, 10 rounds through the chrono all were 2772fps - 2792fps with the 180gr Partition.
