.30-06's at 300 yds

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Met a buddy at the range this morning. He hauled out his .30-06 & Rem factory ammo, we got his Ruger 77 dialed in nicely, about an inch high at 200 yards from the bench. For a final shot, he whacked my 300 yard gong. He'd never taken a shot that far before! Good fun watching him come along.

I did a little practice at 300 yards, all from standing, with my Rem 700 CDL in .30-06 as well. Managed to hit the gong quite regularly. Those doggone 165 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip bullets are just as accurate now as ever, and I'm quite satisfied.

Bear season is upon us here in Washington!

Good Luck with the bear guy.. Is it safe to assume that you will be using the 165's rather than moving up to the 180's in your CDL? I may have to try the 165's in my '06 this year.. although the 180's have been coming together a bit better of late.
Yes, my son has done just fine on bear with 165's from his .30-06, so I have no worries about using them.

As well as this .30-06 is shooting, I may use it for all my "big game" hunting this year - except Washington mule deer. Using a recurve bow for that.

It is almost as if the 165 grain bullet was created for the 30-06. Well, it was. Always a good choice for the old war horse. Looks as if you are set for the fall, Guy.
Nice shooting guy. That is too cool.

Do the BTs and PTs shoot pretty similar?

That CDL looks real good buddy.
Ya, maybe I'm just not a fine enough shooter to tell the difference, but when loaded to the same velocity, the Partitions & Ballistic Tips shoot real close to the same point of aim/impact out to 300 yards - which is about as far as I mess around with for "normal" hunting. The B-Tip has a higher BC, but out to 300 it doesn't really seem to matter enough for me to worry about, .410 vs .475 BC.

Dang I'm excited about the upcoming bear hunt! Leave in a few days. Taking the .30-06 this time! Am shooting it really well. This rifle is a few years old, and only hunted lightly... Has not yet been blooded! Perhaps bear. Soon.

This one and the .25-06 700 CDL are set up almost the same. Both have triggers at 3 pounds. Both are pillar bedded & free floated and I use the same sling on them. Other than cartridge - the biggest difference is the scope.

.25-06 has a 6x Leupold and is sighted-in at 300 yards with 115's @ 3120 fps.

.30-06 has a 2-7x Redfield (older scope) and is sighted in at 200 yards with 165's that are now up to 2900 fps.

Nice having the "twins."

Good luck Guy. The 30-06 is a classic among classics and I hope you get a little blood on it! A nice fat bear is some seriously good groceries too!
If you do your part during the hunt, the .30-06 will more than help.
From what I have surmised, you are a top notch shot, and more than an experienced hunter.
You'll have a great bear hunt!
Good luck to you!

HawkeyeSATX a.k.a. Bryce
Thanks! I'm looking forward to this. Been 3 years since any of us shot a bear. Time for some bear sausage in the freezer!!!

Well, the practice seems to have paid off. One shot at 325 yards, from sitting with no rest. Bear was quartering away and moving. The Ballistic Tip did a superb job with a very quick kill. Recovered the bullet jacket. I'll weigh and measure it.

Regards, Guy
The 165/168 was designed for the 30-06; and the BT is arguably the best of the lot.
That's pretty awesome Guy. Great shot. That 165 looks like perfection to me.
I had good results with the 165 gr. AccuBond at roughly 100 yards on a cow elk two years ago. Didn't recover the bullet but she only went about 30 feet and collapsed. Took a head shot to finish her.
Paul B.
Outstanding Guy!
You and your 06 "Got 'er Done!"

HawkeyeSATX a.k.a. Bryce
Guy, as I mentioned on your hunting thread, that is a nice bear, job well done. I do have a question for you ( and others ) however.

As you know for many years the 30-06 was the only rifle I owned and it was all one really needs, even here in far north where bears of one color or another are a daily occurrence. I used 180 grain bullets, only. I can not imagine my going back to the 30-06, even thou I still have that gun, but because of the 300 H & H, 348 and 7mmwsm, I never use it. Am I the only one who uses 180 gr bullets in the 30-06 and should I re think my doing so in the future . Would I be better served using 165's. They obviously worked very well for you Guy. Of course the 180's worked very well for me, but I am still interested in what you fellows consider the proper weight bullet for the 30-06---today

The 165/168 grain bullets work very well in the '06. With the prospect of white bears, grolar bears and grizzlies, I would feel more comfortable with a premium bullet up the pipe. A bear that is not alarmed or agitated is one thing; but an aggressive bear is quite another. Also, because of the size of those particular bears, more mass from the bullet can be a comfort. However, I am comfortable facing grizzlies with a 165/168 bullet that will maintain integrity at high impact against bone. At least, that's my take.