300 H&H

Oh OK i will fess it up and i just hope i do not go back and look at that link again :shock: Thomas we were in the USAF about the same time period? i was in the C-130 side of the Flight Line! 1981-2001
HOGWILD338-378":fodfz9nj said:
Oh OK i will fess it up and i just hope i do not go back and look at that link again :shock: Thomas we were in the USAF about the same time period? i was in the C-130 side of the Flight Line! 1981-2001


I was an F-16 Crew Chief and spent time in AETC as an instructor and had a great job in Test & Evaluation. Good times! Did you have to get a waiver to retire? I did but it was pretty easy since I was in the top 3 and they were not short of desk jockeys.

Thomas I was at Spec Ops School House that they did not wanta claim ? Kirtland AFB here in Albuquerque, I was flying a desk as well as a Assistant flight chief so you know how much grief I took! :roll: I retired in Aug 2001 and they could not keep me as I turned down the Academy and I retired a Tech which was ok for me as my last 5 years was more than I could ask for! I was hoping Scotty would see that 300 H&H on that link but He would probably wanta shoot me if he saw it !! hehe! several fine customs on that site!!
264 Win Mag":3uaxawu4 said:
HOGWILD338-378":3uaxawu4 said:
Not responsible for purchases :lol:

Oh, I know who will be held responsible for purchases, Mike or Scotty or Fotis!!


There, fixed it for you.

I cannot accept this "honour!" I insist that such be reserved for the esteemed duo--Scotty and Fotis. They are masters par excellent at leading the unwary astray. I am but a distant admirer of their abilities.
BK":3jn2ufce said:
264 Win Mag":3jn2ufce said:
HOGWILD338-378":3jn2ufce said:
Not responsible for purchases :lol:

Oh, I know who will be held responsible for purchases, Mike or Scotty or Fotis!!


There, fixed it for you.

I have tried to explain how it is not my fault but she believes in strict personal responsibility. I have also not had any luck convincing her it is a illness that requires kind and loving treatment. She thinks I should go cold turkey.

264 Win Mag":1811xmh2 said:
I have tried to explain how it is not my fault but she believes in strict personal responsibility. I have also not had any luck convincing her it is a illness that requires kind and loving treatment. She thinks I should go cold turkey.


Your lady must have compassion! The illness will one day pass, along with your rifles passing to your heirs. :shock: Let her be gentle and considerate. How cruel to imagine that any of us could just go "cold turkey." :twisted:
Whoa, not sure how I got thrown under the bus, but I guess I should expect no less than from you all..... My friends! :lol:
SJB358":xveduftc said:
Whoa, not sure how I got thrown under the bus, but I guess I should expect no less than from you all..... My friends! :lol:

Gosh, I didn't think you were thrown under the bus, Scotty. It was more like we discovered you under there and recognised that you enjoyed being under this particular bus. :?
DrMike":1upfy15u said:
SJB358":1upfy15u said:
Whoa, not sure how I got thrown under the bus, but I guess I should expect no less than from you all..... My friends! :lol:

Gosh, I didn't think you were thrown under the bus, Scotty. It was more like we discovered you under there and recognised that you enjoyed being under this particular bus. :?

I guess in this case, perception is everything... :lol:
Honestly I was window shopping and just happened to find a 300 H$H that was prettier than a brand new litter of Blue Tick hound dogs along with 14 more pages of beautiful furniture pieces :lol: was not wishing a purchase on anyone BUT sad I am all tapped out for a week or so as I sent my deposit in for my new Accumark Friday :mrgreen:
SJB358":2avnn198 said:
Whoa, not sure how I got thrown under the bus, but I guess I should expect no less than from you all..... My friends! :lol:

Just recognizing your talents, good buddy!