300 RUM Nosler Brass


Jan 15, 2008
I have contacted Nosler and inquired about the availability of 300 RUM brass. I was told that they would have some by the end of January, around the 28th. I still haven't seen anyone who has it available.

Is it because they are filling all the backorders or what? Does anyone know what the deal is?

I have been waiting for this brass for well over a year, as many of you have. Anyone know of other places to get this brass besides the Nosler Custom Shop website?

Thanks Fellas
I continue looking myself..... would like to purchase a box or two if I could find some...

Any word Nosler ??
I just don't want to load with sub-standard brass when I could be loading with some good components. The Nosler brass is MUCH better than the Remington brass.

It's kind of like restoring a 1969 Mustang and putting a lawn mower engine in it. If your going to do it, Do It Right.
I do not consider Rem brass as substandard. Nosler brass may be better, but I'm not going to throw away my 200 pieces of Rem brass, not to mention starting the load development process over due to the differences between Rem and Nosler brass. Primers, powder, and bullets are expensive enough.
I never notice any real difference in group size going from Nosler brass i had to Remington brass.
It is doubtful that any brass from major manufacturers is "substandard." Some gives more loads, some less. Some requires more attention at first, some less. However, it is rare that someone finds brass that is substandard.
I have loaded with both Rem and Nosler brass before, not in this particular rifle. And case prep was a large chore with the Rem vs Nosler. Weights were also alot more inconsistent. I did weigh and sort but that also takes away precious time.

In other rifles i did see improvement in performance with the Nosler brass over Rem brass. Standard Deviations and Extreme Spreads were greatly affected. But i guess POP is right, as he usually is. I'll start up load developement with the Rem brass until I can get what I want.

I guess it is really a matter of what one wants and not what one needs.
Had Nosler offered 300RUM brass in late 2006, I would have bought that. As it was, Rem was the only RUM brass maker at the time, so, it was more of a lack of options, and still is, kind of.
Thats what I don't like, Lack Of Options. Kind of like the Presidential election.......................................................................................

Buford T. Justice - "What the Hell is this world coming to?"