300 Win Mag


Apr 10, 2006
Will be hunting African plains game up to 800+ pounds. Looking for recommendations on best bullet and load for a 300 Win Mag.

I have been told that African game, example Kudu are a lot harder to bring down than our western elk. Where I am going Namibia Africa, all game shot and lost are paid for same as if killed. Sure don't want any of them running off because of poor bullet construction/load.

Thanks for the help.
DevilDawg, I've heard the same comments over the years in regards to African game being harder to down. After talking with a number of hunters who have made that trip to Africa the consensus was "it's where you hit them". Sound familiar. Use a well constructed bullet between 180 to 200 grains, hit them in the right spot and you'll come home with a lot of trophies and memories.
180 or 200gr would get my vote. With either partitions or accubonds. Whichever shoots best in your rifle.
I sold my .300 Win mag to a friend who took it to South Africa for plains game. I also gave him several boxes of ammo loaded with both the 180 Partition and the 180 ballistic tip.

He took 13 animals on his hunt last year. Shot the first two or three with the Nosler Partitions, then switched to the Ballistic tips. He and his PH were very pleased with the quick kills and very limited tracking required (most of the animals fell instantly) when hit with the 180 ballistic tips. He shot a wide variety of game, and frankly I couldn't tell you which he hit with the partitions and which was with the balllistic tips, but he and his PH are very impressed with the ballistic tip bullets from the .300 Win mag.

Gemsbok, warthog, wildebeast, and other antelope both large and small...

Keith is an excellent shot and we've hunted together here in Washington State. He places his shots well. Prior to his trip we speculated that the 180 partitions would be his best bet, but afterwards he's more impressed with the performance of the ballistic tip bullets on game, primarily due to the "instant death" he and his PH observed from them on game.

In your 300 Win Mag, I would look at both the 180 gr AB and the 200 gr AB and pick the one that shoots the best.

180 AB/PT 200 AB/PT with 76 gr or 72.5 gr of RL 22 respectively. These are max work up! :wink: