300 WIN


Sep 27, 2007
I just bought a new Winchester FN 70 Sporter in 300 Win.

Just wanted to know a couple things.

1. If you could only have a couple of powders for the 300 win mag which ones would it be? Probably for 165, 180 and 200's as the most common bullet weights.

2. Anybody got a pet load for the 300 win to dublicate the 30-06 with a 150?

3. Can you use fed210M or CCI BR2's or do you have to step up to the magnum rifle primers?

Do a search for the 300 win mag and you will find lots of help. I bet you would have had a lot more response to your inquiry with the normal name of the cartrige here!

I don't have any experience with the Win Mag, but I would stick with the "magnum" designated primers for it.
I attempted the BR's in my .300RUM with bad results....one out of three was a hang-fire.
I would stick with Magnum primers and if cornered to one powder, it would be RL22. It should work great with 180-200's. If you get a chance, post a picture of your new M70. Get yourself some 180-200gr Accubonds/Partitions, and you will have the makings of a great load. Should get over 3000 with the 180's and 2800-2900 with the 200's. Both will handle about anything but the biggest of bears, on a bad day. Scotty
I just chronograghed mine today with 75 gr RL22 and 180 gr AB. Got 3020 fps on a five shot average at 50 degrees F. This is a good load for mine as it shouldn't be over the top in 80 degree weather, but is still going to be close to 3000 fps on a cold day! 3/4 inch groups on the average at 100 yds.
I'd stick with Magnum primers and for what it's worth my preference has always been Federal 215s.
I have had excellent results with H1000 with both 165 and 180 grain bullets.
I shoot 150gr BT or PAR bullets in mine. I use IMR4350 and got the highest speeds with it over my chronograph with excellent accuracy. Also H414 did well as did RL19 and H450. I always use mag primers.

Congratulations on the 300 Win Mag.
The best powder is RL 22! 75.0 grs with a 180 gr bullet will get you well under MOA accuracy.
Stick with magnum primers and you won't have any issues.

Use starting loads with H1000, H4831SC, or RL 19 for the 150 gr bullets for 30-06 level loads.

Been loading mine since 1970, remington cases, 180 gr Partitions for hunting, copious amounts of 4350, CCI mag primers, and tiny little groups.
rl 22 73 gr. or imr 4831 73 gr. works great in my 300 winnie. 1802 ab or pt. superb accuracy
I have two 300 win mags, one is shooting the 180gr Etip with H1000 the other is shooting the 220gr RN hornady interloc with IMR 7828SSC. neither rifle will shoot light bullets no matter what powder i try. But they are elk rifles, no need for light bullets. OAL has made more difference with accuracy than powder choice.
Try RL 22, 75.0 grs with a 180 gr AB, PT, or BT. :wink:

Do you have any pictures of your new 300 Winchester! I fondled a M70 Super Grade a few weeks back, and man, it was a nice rifle. The Sporters looked pretty awesome also, plus, I think they are putting 26" tubes on them, so you should get plenty of speed out of them. JD is right on with the RL22. I shoot the 200gr bullets, but RL22 works really well out of the 300 Win Mag. Scotty
I don't see the fascination with RE-22, I shot it for a year in my 6.5 Gibbs.
I settled on a load of 61 gr behind a 140 berger, velocity was great, accuracy was awesome, but each lot change brought a different MV, 61 gr would give me anywhere from 3200 fps to 3340 fps.
I can deal with the temp sensativity, but just not worth it to have to rework the load every jug of powder especialy when H-1000 is available as well as retumbo.
RR, I haven't experienced the same swings in velocity I guess. Mine has been pretty consistent for me. I do see your point though. I have tried RL22 in 30 degree weather and also shot it during 80 degree weather. I guess if I was to start all over again, I would give H1000 or Retumbo a try. I am thinking of trying out some 180gr ETips' so maybe I will give one of those two a try. I have had excellent luck with my 7mm Mag and 270WSM with RL22 also. I know it probably isn't really good for long range shooting due to inconsistency, but so far it has worked for me. Thanks for the heads up though. Scotty
I agree ridge. Rl-22 has given me some pretty good velocity swings as well as lot to lot consistency issues. RL-25 is the ticket for me, but retumbo and H1000 are stellar also. :grin: :grin:
beretzs":30100026 said:
RR, I haven't experienced the same swings in velocity I guess. Mine has been pretty consistent for me. I do see your point though. I have tried RL22 in 30 degree weather and also shot it during 80 degree weather. I guess if I was to start all over again, I would give H1000 or Retumbo a try. I am thinking of trying out some 180gr ETips' so maybe I will give one of those two a try. I have had excellent luck with my 7mm Mag and 270WSM with RL22 also. I know it probably isn't really good for long range shooting due to inconsistency, but so far it has worked for me. Thanks for the heads up though. Scotty

Good point, but for what I do that 140 fps difference means alot heres a drop chart using my load showing the differences

140 berger (BC .7) MV 3340 fps
100 2.2
200 2.9
300 0
400 -7.1
500 -18.7
600 -35.3
700 -57.8
800 -86
900 -121.1
1000 -163.9

MV 3200 fps
100 2.5
200 3.3
300 0
400 -7.8
500 -20.6
600 -39
700 -63.4
800 -94.6
900 -133.4
1000 -180.7

So as you can see to 400, even 500 yards it wouldn't cause a miss on a deer, but at 1K that 140 fps amounts to another 17" of drop, thats shooting a berger VLD, with a standard bullet say an AccuBond it would be more.
Good point RR. I know you are shooting much further than I, I know you are really in the details alot more. For me, a 500 yard shot is about my max right now with hunting rifle. You are dead right though, an Extreme powder like Hogdon's would have been better to start with in the beginning, but since I have so many loads already made using Alliant stuff, I am going to use them until I start some new loading. I do appreciate the data, makes alot of sense. Scotty

You have, as others have stated, experienced these swings with RL 22. I had one can than was off but another 12+ cans that were pretty consistent.
For me, RL 22 has been excellent in 300 Win Mag, 280 AI, and 338 RUM with the lighter bullets.

I've bought 6 pounds of re 22, 4 were pretty close, the other 2 were off 90 and 140 fps with the same loads. don't know if its considered ball powder or not but it is a double based powder so it contains nitroglycerine, so its also more temp sensative than single based powders. But like I said the temp sensativity thing is easily dealt with, even for long range work.