300Win Mag Sighted In and Ready to Hunt


confidence does really help. I know that you are very detaiedl about your shooting. I know that when the rifle is dialed it and can shoot good groups that I have no worries about the performance for the hunt. It makes me feel more confident knowing that if I do "MY" part the rifle will do its. I have had rifles in the past (I have one now) that for some reason or another the groups were not what I expected nor exactly where I wanted them, I always felt a little cautious about them. Having one dialed in and can shoot groups like that really builds that confidence that one needs when in the field. Good luck on your hunt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elkman said, "I know that when the rifle is dialed it and can shoot good groups that I have no worries about the performance for the hunt. It makes me feel more confident knowing that if I do "MY" part the rifle will do its. I have had rifles in the past (I have one now) that for some reason or another the groups were not what I expected nor exactly where I wanted them, I always felt a little cautious about them."

Man did you ever tell the truth. If it shoots like you want, then you want to go to the field with it and don't have a second thought about hitting what you want to where you want to. But if the rifle is not just like you want it and lacks consistency of maintaining groups you just don't feel right about it and never can warm up to the rifle much less take it in the field with any confidence. You made a good point Elkman and that explains my attitude exactly.