

Apr 16, 2007
I tried Retumbo in my 300 Win Mag with some 180gr-200gr NPT and NAB. Did not do so well, 2" plus groups were the norm. I tried them before and was getting some groups at 1.25"-1.5" but can't get them to repeat with consistency.
Just for the heck of it I tried 84gr with a 165gr NAB thinking this bullet is way to light for such a slow powder, I was not expecting anything good.
Well I was wrong. I shot a .7" group and was getting just shy of 3300fps with an ES of 25. I only loaded 3 rounds.
Going to load some more to see if it repeats. slightly compressed load but no worse then the H1000 load I tried.

I'm getting 3150 w/rl22 and 180NAB....... trying to settle the groups a litle more tho.

The 165 can be a pleasant surprise in your 300 WM. I've loaded a few, and they all shot well. I've loaded lots of the 165s in the 300 WSM, and they all shoot well.
I normally use a 180 NPT with H4350 for hunting. Accurate enough to hunt with but definitely not groups to brag about.
My practice load is a 180 Hornady SP with H4350. Very accurate but don't really trust it for hunting. It's fine for long shots but if I get something close the bullet will go to pieces. I know that from testing bullets on gallon milk jugs filled with water which is very hard on bullets.
I trust a bonded bullet from doing the above test and hope to get the NAB shooting groups I can brag about and still have a stout bullet for hunting.
As you all know accuracy give you more confidence to pull of those longer shot and I practice a lot to achieve that.
I practice on gallon milk jugs filled with water at various ranges, If I can hit them on the first shot in field positions I can drop game with confidence.
chet":1vkdy6iz said:

I'm getting 3150 w/rl22 and 180NAB....... trying to settle the groups a litle more tho.


75.0 grs RL 22 with a 180 gr on the 300 Win Mag. :wink:

Retumbo is way too slow for the 300 WinMag. H1000, IMR7828 and Reloader 22 will be much more ideal powder for this cartridge. Better yet for lighter bullet use IMR4831, H4831 or IMR 4350.
Mine likes a nice stiff load of H-4350 behind a 180 Sierra BT for targets, (best three shot group .290 or so) and the Nosler 180 PT for elk. Lots of elk can testify to its effeciency. :grin: :grin:
I have tried IMR7828, RL22, RL19 and IMR4831, and overall, it is very hard to beat the RL22 with 165-200gr bullets. Tons of speed and usually excellent accuracy. Scotty
JD338":3gq7xtwt said:
chet":3gq7xtwt said:

I'm getting 3150 w/rl22 and 180NAB....... trying to settle the groups a litle more tho.


75.0 grs RL 22 with a 180 gr on the 300 Win Mag. :wink:


I also agree.
DrMike":1d3qvij6 said:

The 165 can be a pleasant surprise in your 300 WM. I've loaded a few, and they all shot well. I've loaded lots of the 165s in the 300 WSM, and they all shoot well.
I've always tried to load heavier bullets to keep meat damage down.
Have you noticed a big difference in terminal performance between 165gr and 180gr bullets


I'm old school, so I tend to favour heavy for calibre bullets. In part, this is because for a long time you needed more mass to ensure that the bullet would reach the vitals.

Honestly, the newer bullets representing recent advances in construction, leave nothing to be desired in their terminal performance. However, because of the higher velocities, there may well be more meat damage simply because of the exaggerated hydrostatic shock of impact and expansion during penetration. With the 300 WM, because it can handle the heavier bullets with aplomb, I prefer heavier bullets, even 200 grain bullets. However, almost all the load development request I receive ask for 165/168 grain bullets. North Americans are sold on the thought of velocity. Even with the rage of long-range shooting, people tend to seek the highest velocity they can obtain. It is a losing battle for me to point out that a 308 will kill just as effectively at 800 to 1000 yards as will a 300 RUM, if they can put the bullet where it needs to be. Likewise, a 300 RUM will wound just as surely as will a 308 when the bullet is not placed in the vitals. I am being won over to the lighter bullets (though I am entering the brave new age kicking and screaming).

Nahhhhhhhhhh, with the brave new age, if it worked right for 20 or more years it going to work right for 20 more. I would switch over to 200's in my win mag if I didn't have 5 or 600 180's. When I get my "old" 721 bee ironed out (hopefully later this year) I am really thinking hard about the 200's for hunting at least. I could practice with the 180's resight for the 200's and sail out a 200 grain AB forever. Welll maybe not quite that far. My biggest fear is that we will be forced to go to all copper bullets, but I am building a surplus as we speak. I am also going to stockpile lead for my guide gun when it magically appears in my safe. Got to cast some of those pretty lead bullets. (is that brave new age technology) don't think so !!

There is not a thing wrong with heavy for calibre. Frankly, it will take another generation or so, but the whiz boys of today will "discover" that heavy works pretty well and damages less meat in about another twenty years of so.
I like the heavier bullets. I don't think it really matters too awfully much, but I think since they are going a little slower, they are a little more predicatable at normal hunting ranges. I shoot 200's in the 300 Mag's, and 250's in the 35 Whelen and 338WM, and just about everything else I shoot gets the heavier bullets. Don't know why, but I haven't run into any issues so far and it is nice that way.

Bill, looking forward to the magically appearing Guide Gun! Scotty
JD338":3r1tch37 said:
chet":3r1tch37 said:

I'm getting 3150 w/rl22 and 180NAB....... trying to settle the groups a litle more tho.


75.0 grs RL 22 with a 180 gr on the 300 Win Mag. :wink:


I load is 74.0gr of RL-22 with 180gr AB's in my 300WM. :grin: Under 0.5" groups. I use the Retumbo as my powder of choice in my 270WSM with 140gr AB's.
Mighty Peace
What's your load in the 270 WSM? if you don't mind sharing.
I worked up a load with H4831sc in mine that does well but since I already have Retumbo I might have to try it.

Well I got to the range today and the Retumbo load did not repeat. But on the good side my load with 165gr NAB and H4831 did repeat. In fact this was the third time out it shot well so I feel confident I found a good load. Averaging .8"-1.2" nothing bigger, noting smaller. Nice round groups.
Now time to work on my new 243 Winchester FW
