30cal 165gr Ballistic Tips vs 168gr Ballistic Tips


May 12, 2007
I was looking at the bullet lengths the other day.I seem to always have a little better accuracy with 168gr Ballistic Tips over the 165gr Ballistic Tips in most of my rifles.I just find the 168gr just easier to get to shoot better.You would think there wouldn't be that must difference in just three grains,but the difference is more about the length than the weight.I'll usually get about 30fps gain in velocity with the 165gr over the 168gr.
165gr B.T is 1.290 OAL. BC 0.475
168gr B.T. is 1.307 OAL. BC 0.490
165gr A.B.is 1.308 OAL. BC 0.475(Not to sure how the BC can be the same as 165gr B.T.)

Now notice,the 168gr B.T. is almost identical in length as the 165gr A.B.I had heard when the 168gr bullet first came out,it was supposed to have a thicker jacket than the 165gr,that would explain the length increase too,more copper vs lead.The performance between the 165gr B.T. and the 168gr B.T. on deer I've shot with them,I could not tell any difference,both bullets killed deer DRT.
30-06 and 308Win.I find it easy with the 168gr,1/2" groups are common where as with the 165gr,the groups usually run closer to 1"-1 1/2".I've played with the seating depth,just cannot get them to tighten up like I'd like.
I65gr groups


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I’d wonder since your groups are very triangular in nature if they don’t wanna be seated close to the rifling?
I'm at the end of the mag box in the 308.The 30-06 is shooting like the 308 with the 168gr.Guess I'll have to see if I can get them to shoot in my 300's or just sell them and stay with the 168gr.
.308 with 168 grain Ballistic Tips with 44.6 grains Varget / Fed210M primer / Lapua brass and happy with the performance on deer and hogs with it and accuracy wise. I need to make a small batch for this deer season and one more quick trip to sight in.
3 shots @ 200 yards

TXbaldhunter":14avmqxw said:
I'm at the end of the mag box in the 308.The 30-06 is shooting like the 308 with the 168gr.Guess I'll have to see if I can get them to shoot in my 300's or just sell them and stay with the 168gr.

So id try max box length, .025 shorter, .050 and .075 shorter. See if anything pops out. If nothing works send them packing.
SJB358":2niz2fub said:
TD, YOU MISSED ALL 4 bulls! I’d rebarrel it :mrgreen:

LOL. I was just testing last year's load for group size to see if I am still in the node. Time to make a batch soon. :mrgreen:

TXbaldhunter, Were you able to do a ladder test at 400 yards or so to pick out a flat spot on the chrono or find a node on paper? It may help doing that and then pick a flat spot and make a few 3 round groups to see what pops up. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I found a wide node doing that, and settled on 44.6 grains for the .308
SJB358":1em5fc95 said:
TXbaldhunter":1em5fc95 said:
I'm at the end of the mag box in the 308.The 30-06 is shooting like the 308 with the 168gr.Guess I'll have to see if I can get them to shoot in my 300's or just sell them and stay with the 168gr.

So id try max box length, .025 shorter, .050 and .075 shorter. See if anything pops out. If nothing works send them packing.
Maybe I could hit the long seat node that way,sometimes it does work.I just hate picky bullets.
TackDriver284":1i9nj9tw said:
SJB358":1i9nj9tw said:
TD, YOU MISSED ALL 4 bulls! I’d rebarrel it :mrgreen:

LOL. I was just testing last year's load for group size to see if I am still in the node. Time to make a batch soon. :mrgreen:

TXbaldhunter, Were you able to do a ladder test at 400 yards or so to pick out a flat spot on the chrono or find a node on paper? It may help doing that and then pick a flat spot and make a few 3 round groups to see what pops up. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I found a wide node doing that, and settled on 44.6 grains for the .308

Great shooting!My range only goes to 200yds.I was really wanting to use them in my 308 since my 30-06 shoots the 168gr really well.Now I find my 308 likes the 168gr better too.I have another 30-06 that has a shorter throat.I think it shot the 165gr OK.I need to break it out again to see what I can do with it.This is how my 30-06 shoots the 168gr.


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A few more.


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Yes Varget has always been my #1 powder in my 308,but it didn't do any better with the 165gr BT


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Seriously my friend ? 3 grains of weight will never make one whit of difference on the game. Just pick the best group and don't look back. You already have plenty of speed...............