-33 deg. Celcius and Elk Hunting

Mighty Peace

Jul 5, 2006
Here is a picture of my cow elk I got with my Tikka T3 LS 270WSM taken with a reload 140gr AccuBond. One shot about 150metres, dropped pretty much in her tracks. Double lung pass thru. AQccuboonds are my choice of bullet for my rifles.


This caliber and bullet sure impresses me every year. Wish I had my loads developed for my Sako m75 Greywolf 338-06AI with 225gr Accubonds to harvest (initiate the rifle on) my cow elk but had no time to do loads and get to the range yet. Hopefully soon, and I'll post the results.

It was a cold last couple weeks of the season with temperatures no warmer than -30 deg. C. But I got elk meat in the freezer again. This season by me and not my wife :lol: who been putting the wenison on our table the past couple of seasons.
Congratulations. Where did you harvest the elk?
Nice shot with that double lung on an elk. Looks mighty cold where ever you are.
Congrats on the elk !

I'm glad I'm not the only one that catches grief when my wife is the only one to put meat on the table....... :grin:
Mighty Peace

Nicely done, congratulations.

Good job. Nothing quite as satisfying as a shot well placed on a worthy animal.
LOIN STEAKS :grin: LOIN STEAKS :grin: lots of LOIN STEAKS :grin:

Beautiul elk :grin: :grin:
Nice BIG cow elk. :grin:
Congrats on the shot and the elk. She's gonna taste real good.
Great picture too. I think the room tempreture dropped a few degrees just looking at it. Did you happen to recover the bullet?
Good Hunting
Hey POP, I harvested my cow elk near Peace River, Alberta. I guess about a 1.5-2 year old. I didnt even hunt for my cow elk till start of December...too busy with work and hunting a 190+BC double droptine whitetail till end of November. :grin: but he made the season thru. Hopefully next year.

Grey Nolan, I could of posted a pic with my breath showing....lol. I was holding my breath on the pic I posted.

Had a few steaks already.......very tender and the liver a couple days after getting her. The bullet was a pass thru on mine.
Nice cow - bet she'll eat good.

That's my reload as well, 140 gr AC. I used a .270 WSM for a long time also, but have since become a big fan of my 7mm WSM with a reload 140 gr AC as well (can shoot 200 fps faster than the .270) that I took to Canada on a caribou hunt and took two cow elk with it this year as well. I still like my .270 WSM, just need a different scope for it.
That is a beautiful cow elk, great job. In my mind it is the truest form of sport when one meets the animal in the hostile envoronment that they live in at -33 or knee deep swamps and still prevails. Sometimes the game comes easy in the middle of a field, on a balmy day with sunshine, no wind and one is back home before the coffee is cold, but every now and then you gotta go out and earn your trophy the hard way. Good luck on you buck.
