338 RUM


Feb 7, 2022
I went to Cabela's last night and found a used 700LH LSS in 338 RUM that was a great price. Didn't have enough time to buy it, but I'm sure thinking about it.
I don't really need a 338 RUM, but the gun fit perfect and it comes with a nice Leupold up top. I might just buy it and rebarrel it to 264 win mag and keep everything else the same.

Before any of that, though, does anyone have 338 RUM stories/experiences they'd like to share?
They kick like a mule, I usually get a love tap from the scope every time I shoot it with the 250AB. Ammo is all but non-existent for them, so you'll need to load your own. I have the XCR version, but with a Stocky's Stocks thumbhole laminate on it. Brass is difficult to find right now. I'm currently looking to put a muzzle brake on it, probably go with one from Muzzle Brakes and More (I think he's on here as IdahoCTD). So far mine likes the 200ET, 225AB and 250AB.
I went to Cabela's last night and found a used 700LH LSS in 338 RUM that was a great price. Didn't have enough time to buy it, but I'm sure thinking about it.
I don't really need a 338 RUM, but the gun fit perfect and it comes with a nice Leupold up top. I might just buy it and rebarrel it to 264 win mag and keep everything else the same.

Before any of that, though, does anyone have 338 RUM stories/experiences they'd like to share?
That is a great find, the 338 RUM has enough horsepower to tackle all of North American game. The bolt face for the .264 and .338 RUM is .540".
I would use the .338 RUM for fun until the barrel wears out and then rechamber it for a smaller cartridge if its an overkill for the game you are hunting. I believe JD has a 338 RUM that shoots 2 inches at 800 yards, his rifle is like a laser.
I think I decided I really want the rifle and I might take a few shots with it as a 338 RUM but I'll rebarrel it eventually for sure. I'll go buy it either tonight or tomorrow
Retumbo and 225gr accubonds hit moose like a hammer! I have found all the RUMs to be very accurate and easy to load for. It’s everything the 338 lapua is and fits much better in the Remington action than a lapua. For me there just wasn’t room between the 300 and 375 RUM SO I LET MY 338 go on off down the road.
ultimate elk rifle , I absolutely love both of mine. One drives 210 partitions at 3150 ,jd338 load. Other is a 225 AccuBond at 3075 fps. I have killed elk from 550 to 888 yards. The only elk that stopped a AccuBond from my rifle was at 888 yards , cow that was slight quarter towards high shoulder broke, severed the spine and lodged in right hip bullet still weighed 178 grains.
I've used the 338 RUM on WT, Mule Deer, Black Bear, Elk and Moose. Never needed more than 1 shot.
A solid hit from the 338 RUM is a sight to behold.

Agree completely. I've had mine for roughly 15 years now and have taken a number of Elk with it. Yes it does recoil a bit but when you hit an Elk the only place their going is down. I exclusively use 225 grain Partitions or Pro Hunters. Both get the job done quite spectacularly. Ammunition is now made by Nosler and comes out just before hunting season. I have a lot of cases and bullets so I'm set.
When the Barrel went south on my 300 Rum I decided to have a 338 Rum built on the Rem 700 action. After I topped it with with a 8x32 NF scope it weighs in at over 14 pounds. It's a good shooter with either 300 gr SMKs or 300 gr ABs and Retumbo. It is braked and recoils not bad but not a rifle to carry very far.
I have that exact rifle, right down to the LH. It is one of my favorites. I had an LSS in 300RUM too but got rid of it. I used the 338RUM to take a few bull moose in Canada. Shooting a 250 AccuBond at 3,000 ft/sec brings about the quick demise of a big bull. I've got a PK brake on my rifle and the recoil is minimal, but the blast is noticeable.

For the faint of heart, there are several light bullets in .338 that would make the rifle a bit easier on the shooter.
I'm bigger in heart in other things in life than I sometimes should be for my size, but not a real big person to soak up recoil.

This is what my mind goes to when I think about saddling up to a 338 RUM and shooting it un-braked.

This is funny.

I’m 5’6 but I’ve never been recoil shy. I was at the range today and someone let me try out their 458 Lott.

That was…. Lotts of fun 😂
The recoil of the 338 RUM is there but not noticable when shooting at game. I did put a brake on mine when I started shooting the 300 gr loads. I've since gone back to the 250 gr AB and recoil isn't bad at all, even from prone.
My wife shot it and said it wasn't bad at all.

May want to check with a gunsmith regarding rebarreling that longer action with opened feed rails, to ensure that it will properly feed a smaller case like the regular magnums, such as the 264 Win in your case.
No sense having an unexpected surprise down the road...that could alter your plans.

I haven't played with the 338 RUM much, but in a properly stocked rifle, I did not find it bad for recoil off the bench without a brake. It was very comparable to the 340 Wby I also got to shoot at the same range session. I liked them both, but very saw the need for either one for myself, as my 338 Win Mag was working just fine for me, and I haven't shot game at the longer ranges as others have done.
One of the hunters I guided for elk used the 300 RUM and did a number on his elk, which did not make it very many steps after receiving its shot. I would expect the 338 to add to that performance as indicated above due to the frontal area of the bullet and additional energy.