35 Whelen 225 gr AB


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Here is a 35 cal 225 gr AB shot from my 35 Whelen and recovered from water jugs at 100 yds. Recovered weight is 183.5 grs with an expanded diameter of .676"
The second bullet is a 250 gr PT for comparison. Recovered weight is 215.5 grs with an expanded diameter of .651"

Good job Jim...

Wonder if they would work from my 358 win? (short case)...

It would be a dandy bullet in your 358 Win. Maybe try cutting off the tip, making it a "Protected Point". Might be just enough to work in that short little case.
Nosler needs to come out with a 200 gr Protected Point AB for the 358 Win,
350 Rem Mag, 356 Win, etc. :idea:

Pictures must come later.

Saturday I recovered a 225 AccuBond from in a moosecow. Bullets workes just as expected, quartering forward shot at 50 meters, it entered through the chestbone, touched the heart and stopped under the skin around the left shoulder. A lot of the chestbone was fragmented and one rib broken at the far side. The bullet looks nice, I have not measured diameter but it weighs 168 gn.

It was loaded to around 2725 fps, 60.5 gn Norma 203-B, Norma 9.3x62 brass sized to 35 whelen and rem LR primers.

I prefer a bullet that exits at a shot like that, but it's nothing wrong with the bullet other than its to light for adult moose. I feel fine continuing this years hunt with the load, but next season I'll either use a Barnes TSX or a 250 Partition.

I also shot a moosecalf and it seems that accubonds tear big holes in smaller animals.

Congratulations on your cow Moose.
Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

JD338":26dlnb2n said:
Here is a 35 cal 225 gr AB shot from my 35 Whelen and recovered from water jugs at 100 yds. Recovered weight is 183.5 grs with an expanded diameter of .676"
The second bullet is a 250 gr PT for comparison. Recovered weight is 215.5 grs

I just ordered some 225 accubonds. I have a buch of 35 cal BTs that I bought when I heard they would be discontinued.......before I knew they would be repplaced with Abs LOL. I was thinking about taking my custom mauser 35 whelen on my upcoming Elk hunt. I was planning on using 250 grain NPs but may try the accubonds instead. I assume they would work as good as the Bts in my rifle. I get 1" groups at 100 yards with 59 grains of RL-15. I have the COL set at 3.395.....just enough the work well through the magazine box. I have enough free bore on this rifle that I can't get teh bullet close to the lands & still work through the box. But accuracy is still good enough for me on a big game rifle.

What load have you been using? Anyone here try the 358 accubonds on elk yet?
225 gn .358 on the right. On the left is a 260 gn AccuBond from a much larger moose and 375 H&H a couple og years ago.

Yes I think 225 gn is to light for moose in 35 Whelen, a 160 grainer would be heavy enough from a 270 Win. The 225 Accubonds give very good trajectory and lots of energy but its the penetration that bothers me.

Thanks for posting those pictures. Those recovered bullets look good!
What was their recovered weights?

The 225 bullet weighs 168 grains. I dont remember how much the 260 grainer weighs.

If my ballistics calculator is correct I should get similar range from a 250 grains Partition if i sight in 7 cm above rather than 6 cm at 100 meters. I never shot anything with a Partition so maybe I should do that next year.

I really love Accubonds. The 225 grainer shoots very well in my gun even if the shape make for a lot of freebore. I guess they made it that way to get high velocities. A friend borrowed my 270 win this year. I loaded some 160 Partitions for him and they dont shoot well at all. I only tried a couple of loads and they ended around 2". And that gun "always" shoots better than 1".

Try some 150 gr PT's in your 270 Win. :wink:
