35 Whelen Loads

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I've looked every where to find some loads that would cause me to want to build a rifle based on this cartridge. I know a lot of people here like it so convince me why I need one. :)
truck driver":b7deswi9 said:
I've looked every where to find some loads that would cause me to want to build a rifle based on this cartridge. I know a lot of people here like it so convince me why I need one. :)

Because your life would be incomplete without one. :lol: Nuff said?
Seriously though, the Whelen is a darn good round that is more than capable of handling any big game in North America and I would include the great bears in that comment. The recoil isn't all that bad. My Whelen shooting the 225 gr. Barnes TSX has taken two elk for me, one at about 150 yards that dropped like all four legs were jerked out from under her and the one this last January was taken at somewhere between 325 and 350 yards as estimated by my hunting partner and our guide. The Whelen is not quite the short range cartridge most of the "egg-spurts" in the gun rags say it it is. 8)
How much do i like it? I have three rifles so chambered at this time and am contemplating building another. I missed out on that special run of .35 Whelens Ruger did so I'll be having one of my spare #1 rifles bought to be a donor rebarreled and go from there. What can I say? I just love that cartridge. :grin:
Paul B.
PJGunner":37pcftw0 said:
truck driver":37pcftw0 said:
I've looked every where to find some loads that would cause me to want to build a rifle based on this cartridge. I know a lot of people here like it so convince me why I need one. :)

Because your life would be incomplete without one. :lol: Nuff said?
Seriously though, the Whelen is a darn good round that is more than capable of handling any big game in North America and I would include the great bears in that comment. The recoil isn't all that bad. My Whelen shooting the 225 gr. Barnes TSX has taken two elk for me, one at about 150 yards that dropped like all four legs were jerked out from under her and the one this last January was taken at somewhere between 325 and 350 yards as estimated by my hunting partner and our guide. The Whelen is not quite the short range cartridge most of the "egg-spurts" in the gun rags say it it is. 8)
How much do i like it? I have three rifles so chambered at this time and am contemplating building another. I missed out on that special run of .35 Whelens Ruger did so I'll be having one of my spare #1 rifles bought to be a donor rebarreled and go from there. What can I say? I just love that cartridge. :grin:
Paul B.
Is the Ruger the 77 RS model you were refering to? I know where there is a 77 rs and a Hawkeye Stainless that are out of my price range. The Hawkeye is new in box the 77rs is used.
I can only say this.. the only real question is why wouldn't you want one?

It thumps critters harder than a 30-06, has decent range, a good bullet selection and you have access to almost unlimited brass. It shoots well will a variety of powders and has recoil that is stout, but manageable in a standard weight rifle.

Perhaps it's the rifle I'm shooting it from, but I've never found a bullet that I couldn't get to group in the Whelen.

Perhaps i was wrong in my opening statement.. the question isn't why you wouldn't want one, it's why you'd only have one. :)
+1... you can even get an M1 Garand chambered in one: http://shuffsparkerizing.com/

AzDak42":zyg72ere said:
I can only say this.. the only real question is why wouldn't you want one?

It thumps critters harder than a 30-06, has decent range, a good bullet selection and you have access to almost unlimited brass. It shoots well will a variety of powders and has recoil that is stout, but manageable in a standard weight rifle.

Perhaps it's the rifle I'm shooting it from, but I've never found a bullet that I couldn't get to group in the Whelen.

Perhaps i was wrong in my opening statement.. the question isn't why you wouldn't want one, it's why you'd only have one. :)
From what I have been told some of the wisest riflemen & women own the 35 Whelen :mrgreen:.
With the 200gr, 225gr & 250gr bullets & a can RL15 powder you can use that calibre on any big game animal on the North American Continent never feeling under powered.
Now that is just one man opinion :wink:

Yeah, I am a huge fan of RL15 and the 250 PT and 225 AB. Accuracy is about as good as one could expect from a hunting rifle.

60 grains RL15 - CCI250 - RP case and 250 PT

250 yards 250 PT

So yeah, to echo what the others said, you don't wanna be without one. Build or buy a good one and they are a ton of fun, and will serve you well with with the 200-250 grain bullets available.

61 grains RL15 - CCI250 - RP case and 225 AB

wayno945":1isjuwcx said:
Do you get better performance out of the magnum primers Scotty?

I don't know, when I developed the 250 load, I was using 250 Speer Hot Cors, they shot so well with RL15, I never bothered using a standard primer. Being as I am running a pretty decent sized charge, I can't see it hurting anything, and I plan on sticking with them.

If anything, it might give me a little extra speed, but probably not enough to notice most of the time. It doesn't hurt my feelings to have a little hotter primer when it is really cold out though.
Well, now that's a deep subject for a shallow mind. :mrgreen: You guys are putting up some good reasons why and Scotty is putting up some great groups. But what is the best rate of rifleing twist to handle all available bullets. :?:
I can tell you this, I shoot 225 AB's that go 2700 fps. I've killed three Deer, one Buck and two Doe. All one shot kills. It's that deadly. It is a one shot gun for me. There has been no blood trail to follow so far, it leaves them dead in their tracks. Experiencing the results has left me thinking I should re-barrel my 30-06 to a 35 Whelen. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I am loading 59.0 grs RL 15 with a 250 gr PT for 2675 fps and sub MOA out of my 700 Classic with a 22" barrel.

Well I got one for a smoking deal and nothing has stood up to it yet everything goes down and I mean right now. Having once owned a 338 win mag and shot 225 grain bullets out of it and now shooting the whelen with 225 Accubonds over RL-15 there is no difference on game except for blood shot, with the whelen being much less destructive. Really I can't tell the difference out side of that and less snappy recoil versus the 338. It is now my moose rifle of choice for 95% of my moose hunting for the other 5% I have a couple of others that have more reach but all in all the whelen with the 225 AB in the right hands can reach quite a way with smack when it gets there.

Here is a link to what I did with mine last season.

caribouhunter":1mtevkma said:
Nosler load data gives a better B.C. To the 225 Partition than the AccuBond.
Is that a typo?

Good point. I have seen it both ways now. Either way though, the BC is plenty good enough to really get out pretty far. I have shot mine out to 600, dialing my drop of course and was very impressed with the groups I was getting out of mine.

I am right there with 338 Ultra. Having both the 338 Win Mag and the Whelen, they are the same animal for 95% of the hunting I do.
truck driver":3nnddf35 said:
But what is the best rate of rifleing twist to handle all available bullets. :?:

For me, if I had my choice, I would run a 1-12" on any rifle I built, but I cannot complain with my 1-16" barrel either. Seems to handle just about everything pretty well.
Now that you really got my attention and I'm considering building one what rate of twist should I order in my barrel, 1-12,1-14,1-16? I'm also thinking a #4 contour or would that be too light for that bore diamater?
Thanks for your post and ideas it is greatly appreciated. :grin:
truck driver":hbvlr2vz said:
Now that you really got my attention and I'm considering building one what rate of twist should I order in my barrel, 1-12,1-14,1-16? I'm also thinking a #4 contour or would that be too light for that bore diamater?
Thanks for your post and ideas it is greatly appreciated. :grin:


The rate would depend on the bullet weight you want to shoot.
My 700 Classic has a 1:16 twist and it shoots 200, 225 and 250 gr bullets under MOA.

I'm looking for a rate that will handle all bullet weights with accuracy. primary game will be deer size with the hopes of going to Alaska for Bear one day so I think 200 to 225 will be the most used with 250s on stand by for bear.