I too think you would be plenty fast with the 12" twist. I also agree with bear- I have a friend out here who uses the 338/06 (I don't know the twist) but he uses the old Hornady 200 spire point on everything. Killed a nice cow elk right at 410yds one year! The 200 Speer the 210 Partition have great results. Myself, I plan on using the 180AB and the 200 NBT in a 338 RCM ( I'm hoping for 338/06 Imp velocity from its 22" barrel) I also love those old roundnose softnoses. Woodleigh makes a couple bullets for the 338 Federal speeds, they also make a 225 roundnose, as does Hawk. That 35 cal 310 woodleigh softnose at 2400 was awesome on a 200# pig at 30 steps! Blew pieces of lungs for tens of steps! Made a 45 cal in and a 75 caliber out, no bruised meat! Hornady 250 roundnose can still be found. BUT, that 200 Barnes "does the same thing".