358 Win shooters?


Apr 25, 2007
Any 358 win shooters out there? I also shoot the 35 Whelen and 35 Rem as well. Any thing on pet loads and bellt perfomance ? Also a 200gr nosler for the 35rem like they did for the 30-30win would be nice any thoughts?
I don't shot a 358 Win, but i know my Father and Uncle did! My Uncle had a M88 Winchester, and my Father had a M99 Savage! I'm not sure about the powder they used, but I'm pretty sure it was IMR4895! I do, however, know the bullet they used! It was a 200 Sierra Round Nose! As the story goes they used this bullet on white tails with amazing results! They naturally hunted in the brush here in Pennsylvania, so shot were close!

I use a Model 700 Remington Classic chambered for 35 Whelen! I've never used it on deer, but I do plan on taking it to North Central Pa. for Black Bear this fall!

Good luck with the 358 Win. Keep shooting those classics!
The .35 is one of my favorite calibres. Generally speaking, the 35s kill better than they should, likely due to a combination of bullet mass and increased frontal section of the bullet.

I currently load for the .356 and for the .358, as well as the .350 Remington Magnum. Any of these will prove to be an excellent round for anything found in North America. The .35 Whelan is also an excellent round, and though I have not personally loaded for this particular round, I have friends who have loaded for it.

Generally speaking, the 225 Partition should perform well for you on black bears, elk or moose at reasonable distance (under 200 yards). For deer sized game, the 180 Partition will perform quite well. You should notice that with the increased frontal section of the calibre, velocity is less of a factor than you may have been led to believe.

I recall an incident in which a 250 grain Winchester Power Point bullet penetrated over 36 inches of wet cardboard at one hundred yards. A 160 grain Partition with a muzzle velocity of 3000 fps fired from a 7 mm Remington Magnum penetrated about 26 inches. It was an excellent demonstration of the value of mass in ensuring penetration.

I currently have my .358 sighted in to be zeroed at 200 yards. I generally treat it as a 250 yard rifle.
257 Roberts
I have taken three bucks with the 35whelen and factory 200gr pointed corelokts. All three were dropped in their tracks and very little excessive damage or bursing. I like the medium cal / medium velocity for that reason.

I just perfected my white tail load. 46.5grs of H4895, hornady 200gr spire point, win brass, and federal 210M primers. The COL which acheives .030" to the lands realy mattered for my rifle but the resualts were 5/8 inch groups at 100 yards at 2488fps.
I tied to cheat with the 225gr partitions and seated them to the same .030" distance but it did not work 2.25" groups. I will just have to start at .010" and work back till the group tightens up. The load is the same 46.5grs of H4895 and same components. Its averages 2430fps no pressure signs at all and is the listed max for the sarria 225 boattail by hodgden. So far the winchester factor 200gr silvertips at 2480fps flatten primmers more (my loads don't). Still very rounded edges on the fired primers.
I have taken 2 elk, 1.5 bears(one for me and helped put down a friends), 10 or so Blacktail bucks and a mule deer, a coyote. my deer load is 200 grn rem cl rn, using BLC2 powder. My elk load is 250 part. back by 59 grns of Blc2 powder. My gun is a rem 760 that started life as a 35 rem and someone had it rechambered. I love the 35 whelen it puts game down for the count.
I have a 700 Classic 35 Whelen and have taken several WT deer and a 250 lb Black Bear. I shot 4 bucks with the 200 gr SPCL factory load, all were 1 shot kills. Switched to the 225 gr PT around 1990 and used this bullet to take over a dozen + deer and the bear. Only had a couple run off 30-40 yds but the blood trail was very heavy and recovery was a dead buck.
I have started loading some 225 gr AB's and it looks very promising. Well under MOA is expected. I will post final results when I am done testing.
If I pull a bear tag this year, the 35 Whelen will get the nod.
The 35 cals are not that popular and often overlooked. For those of us that know about their knockdown power........ :wink:
