375 H&H 260gr AccuBond range day


May 18, 2009
As promised, here is my range report with the 260gr Accubonds @ 100 and 200 yds. Temperature was 48 degrees F, with some swirling winds @the 100yd range, but for some reason the 200yd range was some what much calmer, this was my first time testing this load, and it shows some very good promise, they ran through my rifle @ 2697-2703 fps, and chambered and extracted silky smooth through my Sako 85. I never once had to adjust my scope today, the accubonds impacted just where I wanted them to, I'm zeroed for 225yds with this load, and not going to mess with it at this point in time, my hunt is only less than 2 weeks away, and gonna keep her just the way it is, Scotty, I only fired the 8 rounds today, and was very content with this load for Mr Moose pal :)

This is at 100yds today

And at 200 yds

Thanks for looking,
Lou :)
That will work nicely 8) I would say the hand loads are shooting quite well. Make sure you bring home a nice bull buddy.......
Heck yeah buddy! See how eye opening a 200 yard group can be? Sometimes them bullets need to stabilize from the yaw.
FOTIS":12z4pmwm said:
Heck yeah buddy! See how eye opening a 200 yard group can be? Sometimes them bullets need to stabilize from the yaw.

Hi Fotis, I'm sorry, I don't understand that lingo? :oops:

Sometimes a bullet wobbles at closer range but will stabilize and spin better further out, Speer does a good job of explaining it in one of their manuals in the 7mm STW section. Think of a poorly thrown football that wobbles compared to a well thrown one that spins perfectly. Yep, shooting at 200 or even farther can be really eye opening.
gerry":1wea9i1v said:
Sometimes a bullet wobbles at closer range but will stabilize and spin better further out, Speer does a good job of explaining it in one of their manuals in the 7mm STW section. Think of a poorly thrown football that wobbles compared to a well thrown one that spins perfectly. Yep, shooting at 200 or even farther can be really eye opening.

Gott'cha Gerry and Fotis :) ..Thanks,
JBM program will high light that point of instability on you range card, I think Grace will enjoy cooking you up some fine vitals with the moose you will brining in ! Hope Ya need a front end loader to bring him in :) rifle looks ready to go for sure!
I have a Model 85 Sako .338 Federal, they are very accurate and reliable rifles. It appears that yours really shoots well with the 260 gr AccuBond bullets. You should be ready for your hunt. Good Luck!
I figured that bullet would shoot well for you!

Congrats on the great range session, and best of luck on the hunt!

Those 260 accubonds shot fantastic in my 375 rum also. I need to find a supply of them to stock up. I'm running them a little over 3k fps and getting one hole groups.

I think you have a real winning combo there that should serve you very well on your moose hunt.
The 260 gr AB is a great bullet, I have taken a black bear and a grizzly with them and a friend has taken black bears, a grizzly and a mountain goat with them in his 375 Ruger. No complaints on our end but the animals sure didn't like them :lol: Newfoundland moose won't like them either but you will......
Looking good, Lou. Looks as if you were getting a crash course in ballistics today. Pity the poor moose that meets you on this trip. :grin:

Nice shooting buddy.
That load is a keeper.

Hey Lou Good shooting :wink: - Now go and get a Record Book Newfy Moose ! Cheers :grin: RJ
Great shooting Lou! Seems like they are just about perfect! Great performance and you can't beat that sorta accuracy.