375 H&H vs Wild Boar

Lou...Give us an update on the boar hunt. Is it still on for the 8th? I live in Ontario as well. This would definitely be something I would love to do! If you are looking for a partner on a trip or care to share the name if the hunting outfitter, man I am in. I will even pay for the gas! BTW... I too shoot both a 7mm and the 375. Just waiting for the weather to get a little bit nicer to start shooting at my club just north of Toronto. So if there is anything I can do let me know!
C Broad Arrow":prau9ku5 said:
Lou...Give us an update on the boar hunt. Is it still on for the 8th? I live in Ontario as well. This would definitely be something I would love to do! If you are looking for a partner on a trip or care to share the name if the hunting outfitter, man I am in. I will even pay for the gas! BTW... I too shoot both a 7mm and the 375. Just waiting for the weather to get a little bit nicer to start shooting at my club just north of Toronto. So if there is anything I can do let me know!

The date has been changed to the end of March or 1st week in April :) ..Which gun club do you belong to, Islington acres?..I'm a member of Orillia gun club for many years, I was up there 2 weeks ago testing some 300gr a-frames..I well PM you with the details, maybe we can hook up for a coffee and talk about the wildboar hunt..It's just south/east of Montreal, I cancelled the last hunt because of that nasty ice storm we got :(
It's a 1 day hunt, leave Saturday, and come back on the Sunday 8)

Well we are starting too see wild boars here in Saskatchewan there was a warning given in the SE portion of the province this past November . I believe it all started with boar farms in the Red River Valley (southern part of Manitoba) being flooded back about 5 or 6 years ago. I was advised that they breed multiple times per year and our weather does not hurt them what so ever.
I have never seen one but have seen a few photographs of them after being shot near my sister & nephew's farm.
If I get the chance I think the 35 Whelen with a 225AB might be the right medicine for them :mrgreen:

Control 'em as best you can guys. They're tough on crops as well as on native vegetation and can be mighty rough on the native game as well.

Fun to hunt, though it's been many years since I did so.