375 H&H


Apr 5, 2014
I haven't played with this one for awhile but got some new cases and did some loading.
1st attempt with this load in a Winchester 70 in 375 H&H.
4 power scope so I need the big dot to see the target with my crummy eyesight.
2nd of three shots was the one to the left. I did some scope adjustment and tried another group with disappointing results but hopefully it will settle down when I try again. Also my first effort with the Lee Factory Crimp die. I wanted to seat deep enough to get well into the canelure.
That is encouraging, nevertheless. I learn something from every load, even if the lesson is a negative.
DrMike is right on regarding load development each time out is a learning experience :wink: I always try to have more positives than negative sessions!!

PS. The 375 H&H is a fun caliber with lots of history!
DrMike":15vsfoe5 said:
That is encouraging, nevertheless. I learn something from every load, even if the lesson is a negative.


AND - I don't find your target to be a negative at all. The .375 is capable of remarkable accuracy. I was floored by the accuracy mine delivered with 260 gr Nosler Accubonds and RL-15...

It's really a pretty impressive cartridge.

Have fun and keep posting the results!

I'm kicking myself for not grabbing some Nosler bullets for this when they had 2nds recently. Maybe next time. I bought several boxes of Hornady 270's and 300's from the local Walmart when they were clearing them out for $9 a box.
Good deal on the Hornady bullets. As Guy mentioned, give RL 15 a try.

Looking good. Maybe try some W760 or IMR4350. I had good success with 4350 and the 270gr Hornady. W760 was good with the 300gr Hornady BTSP.
W760 was very (and I mean very) sensative to changes in any component. Bullets, primers and brass in that order. Sometimes all at once! Appropriate burning rate but if you change anything, I had to start over w load development. W760 gave double base powders a bad name for me. I never tried it in anything but 375, so it might be dandy in other calibers, I dont know. But be careful in your 375.

4064 and RL15 much more predictable.
Wish I could get my hands on some Accubonds in 260 grain for my .375 H&H. Any of you have any ideas?
Best way to find them is online by asking to get emailed when they become available as it does work on a strange occasion but not sure why they do not run these as well as a group of others as they would sell out immediately ?
Thank you Hogwild, I have set up availability emails at 2 different stores. Will keep looking.
.375":26qlfnh1 said:
Thank you Hogwild, I have set up availability emails at 2 different stores. Will keep looking.

If your looking for 260gr AB's, I can get them for you bro,

LT, my 300 gr load is very similar:

75 gr H4350 and pretty much any 300 gr bullet. Ends up in the mid 2500 - 2600 fps range, depending on the bullet. Good accuracy.

.375":2u9ds40z said:
Thank you Hogwild, I have set up availability emails at 2 different stores. Will keep looking.

I made a phone call, and found you 2 boxes of the .375 260gr Accubonds, it's not a problem helping you out :)
