378 Bee. Need to repeat this!!!!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004

BTW scope in the picture was replaced by NF NXS 2.5x10x42mm Compact ZS/HV


The load and execution of the shots are certainly worthy of high praise. Good job, Fotis.
That is a thunderous load Fotis. Man, you should really test one of those in the jugs!
Nothing left to say Fotis, everyone else has already said it. Beautiful rifle and a great shooter.
Darned fine prairie dog & coyote rifle right there... (y)

Doggone Fotis - that thing spits a 250 gr bullet out at about the same speed my little ol' .25-06 shoves a 115 gr bullet... Dang... And with about the same accuracy.

Very good work on load development and shooting, BeeKeeper. :wink:

Regards, Guy
Gotta verify it then I will be happy!
My .378Bee will be heading for Africa in october.

Thanks for sharing Fotis. The .378Bee is Gods anger stuffed into that case and when unleashed....BOOOM...!!

I am still facinated by this cartridge. For me it is THE materialized symbol of the Weatherby superiority.
Good grief, like a B-52 dropping its entire payload down a chimney! :) Very, very impressive Pop!
6mm Remington":iwaaaomg said:
That's very impressive Fotis. Need to get it out spring bear hunting.

I wish but nothing around here. Very limited and all filled during bow
Guy Miner":1vg9typ6 said:
Must be a stray coyote or two needing obliteration... :grin:

Now that would be cool. Bet there isn't enough thread to pull one back together! :lol:
Ha! Too cool Fotis.

Those 416's seem pretty capable. Literally, from prairie rats to elephants!
Fotis, congratulations. Man, what a combination of power and accuracy. Fine load development and fine shooting.