My hunting partner, SHOOTER, headed to the lake with his family to try and blind folks with his white legs for the 4th weekend. I decided to head up to Bedias (that's "bee-dice" for all you non-Texan'sl) and hunt hogs with Jed, aka redlegg, and his partner Clark at Tacitical Hog Control. They have taken hog hunting to a new level, both technically and in excitement. They use state of the art night vision goggles and FLIR thermal and night vision scopes.
"The goggles we use are helmet-mounted Gen-III ANVIS-9's (Aviator's Night Vision Imaging System). These are the same goggles that are currently being used by many of our jet fighter and attack helicopter pilots. There are no finer night vision goggles available in the world today. Most of our weapons are fitted with Gen-III, 6x Raptor night Vision weapon sights. These night scopes are the same models that are currently being used by our advanced ground troops and snipers.
In addition to the latest in night vision equipment, the professionals at Tactical Hog Control, LLC., also use thermal imaging equipment. More commonly known as Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR), these devices detect heat. No matter how dark the night is, whether it's foggy or not, the hogs can't hide from the FLIR ! We primarily use a handheld thermal unit to locate hogs, but we also have rifles fitted with thermal weapon sights (TWS).
The weapons we use are AR-15's and AR-10's in.223, .243 WSSM and .308. All of the rifles are fitted with either Gen-III Night vision scopes or thermal weapon sights. Most rifles are also equipped with infra-red illuminators and targeting lasers."
To say that my expectations for this hunt were high is an understatemet. To say that the hunt far exceeded my expectations is just a fact!!
I arrived at Jed's ranch about 5:00 P.M. on Thursday. Jed showed me the rifles, the helmets and goggles, and the hand-held FLIR. I decided to use the suppressed .223 AR-15 with the Gen-III, 6x Raptor Night Vision Sight shooting 60 gr. Partitions. We headed out behind Jed's "Man Cave/Shed" to the range to let me get familiar with the equipment and make sure everything was sighted in OK. It takes a few rounds to get used to the extra weight the night visions adds but you adapt quickly. Jed also let me send a few rounds downrange with the .243 WSSM AR-10 equipped with the FLIR sight. I couldn't wait for the sun to go down!!
Here is a shot of Jed's ranch in Grimes County, Texas, USA.
This is his 100 yard range with the .243 WSSM AR-10 and the suppressed .223 AR-15 .
Tactitical Hog Control
THC Link-Click Here
"The goggles we use are helmet-mounted Gen-III ANVIS-9's (Aviator's Night Vision Imaging System). These are the same goggles that are currently being used by many of our jet fighter and attack helicopter pilots. There are no finer night vision goggles available in the world today. Most of our weapons are fitted with Gen-III, 6x Raptor night Vision weapon sights. These night scopes are the same models that are currently being used by our advanced ground troops and snipers.
In addition to the latest in night vision equipment, the professionals at Tactical Hog Control, LLC., also use thermal imaging equipment. More commonly known as Forward Looking InfraRed (FLIR), these devices detect heat. No matter how dark the night is, whether it's foggy or not, the hogs can't hide from the FLIR ! We primarily use a handheld thermal unit to locate hogs, but we also have rifles fitted with thermal weapon sights (TWS).
The weapons we use are AR-15's and AR-10's in.223, .243 WSSM and .308. All of the rifles are fitted with either Gen-III Night vision scopes or thermal weapon sights. Most rifles are also equipped with infra-red illuminators and targeting lasers."
To say that my expectations for this hunt were high is an understatemet. To say that the hunt far exceeded my expectations is just a fact!!
I arrived at Jed's ranch about 5:00 P.M. on Thursday. Jed showed me the rifles, the helmets and goggles, and the hand-held FLIR. I decided to use the suppressed .223 AR-15 with the Gen-III, 6x Raptor Night Vision Sight shooting 60 gr. Partitions. We headed out behind Jed's "Man Cave/Shed" to the range to let me get familiar with the equipment and make sure everything was sighted in OK. It takes a few rounds to get used to the extra weight the night visions adds but you adapt quickly. Jed also let me send a few rounds downrange with the .243 WSSM AR-10 equipped with the FLIR sight. I couldn't wait for the sun to go down!!
Here is a shot of Jed's ranch in Grimes County, Texas, USA.

This is his 100 yard range with the .243 WSSM AR-10 and the suppressed .223 AR-15 .

Tactitical Hog Control
THC Link-Click Here