5 yr old Arkansas boy killed black bear


Apr 11, 2007
You know what pisses me off? When mis-informed people ramble on about hunting and guns when they dont know anything. I think they should just shut the FUCK up!!! I was curious on what caliber the boy shot the bear with and came across so many MIS-INFORMED comments.

Take this one for example:

Total HOAX. Ask yourself...what kind of rifle can a five-year old hold? A 22 at best. How many rounds would it take to bring down a 445-lb bear, with a 22? Probably over thirty rounds....and even then...I wouldn’t count on the kid scoring better than 50 percent of his rounds. The bear would have had to be tied down and drugged....to score enough rounds. What did grandpa say.....youth rifle? Totally bogus. Grandpa held the gun and probably pulled the trigger. Ask yourself if the state game guys would give a hunting license to a five-year old? None of this story works....Grandpa shot the bear and its just like that stupid Bama wild-boar story...bogus.

This guy dosnt know what a youth rifle is and obvioulsly dosnt know anything about guns or hunting and yet he had to critize the boy on something he knows nothing of. There are lots of rifles that young kids can use. I would like to beat the shit out of this guy. My guess is that he is a democrat. Common democrat, dont know anything about hunting or guns yet they seem to think they do.


Just like at my job. I work at napa auto parts. I have been working at napa for over 5 years and I am ASE certified. I AM 22 years old so when people come in, I am just some punk kid that knows nothing. EXCUSE ME!!! Most people that come in and tell me how to do my job probably dont even know what ASE certified is or means. DO YOU TELL DOCTORS HOW TO DO THERE JOB? THEN DONT TELL ME HOW TO DO MINE, I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!

Sorry guys, im just pretty up set over mis informed comments lately!!!
So, you are upset about something that you read on the internet, and someone pissed you off at work...

Smitty, life is too short.

Cheers :)

PS. Did you manage to find out what caliber was used?
Yea but thats not the point. Look deeper into it. Mis-Informed people are why this world is going to shit. Anti gun people know very little about hunting and want to take our guns away..........AM I JUST GOING TO SIT HERE AND LET IT HAPPEN???????? NO! People need to be educated on what they are talking about before they make a comment. I dont say that we dont need to be at war in iraq, BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. As far as that goes, if you are just a civilian, you more then likely dont either. We dont know everything about what is going on over there and we never will. Leaders are teachers, and those who know everything about everything without opening a book are student followers. Its important that we educate people instead of just letting it go!!! And its not just that im having a bad day. this is getting more and more common. ITS HAPPING MORE AND MORE EVERYDAY! Stick to what you know or educate yourself. Dont you guys get mad or frustrated when you try to teach someone something and they seem to think they know it all already? Ignorant people should all go live in iraq. If your kid thought your guns were toys, are you just going to let him think that? I hope you say no, its important to educate people young and old. Im sorry that I am rambling on about this and most of you dont care probably. But Ignorant know it all people make this world a bad place and I for one have to deal with it every day and im tired of it. I am a leader and not a follower, I will push to educate mis-informed people till I die. Education is the most powerfull tool you will ever have and use. I dont mind the people that are willing to learn but the ones who wont, We can do without them.

Once again Sorry guys, But I refuse to sit here and let people critize things they know nothing about.

This is nothing towards you mattc.............But no, i didnt figure out what caliber it was.

There are better ways to make a difference than to get mad in a forum. The voice of reason goes a lot further than hysterics which only serve to reinforce the idea (to some anyway) that gun owners are all homicidal maniacs.

People do not like to be "taught" - read that as being "told" or having it jammed down their throat. This just leads to alienation. I learned a long time ago that it is easiest to reasonably state my case and only continue if people are willing to listen. Something else that I have found to be very effective is to question a person as to why they believe something is true. I do not go to the point of making them look the idiot, but try to sow a seed of doubt which hopefully they will pursue themselves or perhaps make them more receptive to my point of view.

There are other ways. In one relevant case I have gone to some effort to introduce an anti-gun zealot to shooting. Not hunting (although it is ironical that she never complained when I filled her freezer with a couple of hundred kilos of dog meat) but paper punching at the local range - it is a start. This started off as one person spouting off about all of the evils of gun ownership and gently getting them to admit that they knew nothing about it. What better way to influence someone's point of view? Actions speak louder than words.

Eduacation is necessary, but there is a right and a wrong way to go about it.

BTW, I have only recently started shooting again (for work purposes) after a 20 year absence. I really do not have a vested interest, but I will try to correct common misconceptions.

smitty...................I am new here. I have been hunting for over 40 years and I have done a lot, been a lot of places, seen a lot of things. If there is one thing I have learned...............people ARE stupid, stupid, stupid. What's worse is they are getting even 'stupider' (bad English but it is to point).

As said before, life is too short and you need to not stress on it as much. I say this as if it is easy, but it isn't. Believe me I know. I walk away from stuff all the time now when in the past I would want to rip a strip off someone and tell them they are a moron.

Also the internet and forums are a BIG waste of your time as they are filled with idiots. People can say anything they want and pretend they know what they are talking about.................most don't. On the other hand most in the local coffee shop don't know what the hell they are talking about either.

I am down to only a couple of forums and I suspect that could become none...........I came on them to get a heads up on things and new products but mostly see the same old crap and guess what LOTS OF STUPID PEOPLE. PLEASE...no one take offence at this as if you are knowledgeable and have been on forums a bit you will know what I am talking about.

Lastly smitty...................go out and enjoy life..................what you can do is changing rapidly and you best do it while it can be done. I am jaded I know...............but sounds like I am a lot like you just older. Stupid people are why my wife and I spend more and more time with our dogs and our horses............they are at least honest and we have quality time together.
Here is the video of an interview with the young hunter. Looks like to me he is holding a NEF or H&R Handi Rifle, don't know what caliber it wasn't said. I'm sure it was the minimum for hunting with in the Arkansas. I think this kid just got lucky to get a bear, as they never said what he was actually hunting. I'm not up to date on AR hunting regs so I don't know what he is legally able to take on a youth license or against his parents. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/12/11/katv.5yearold.kills.bear.katv?iref=mpvideosview
There is a difference between posting your opinion, and ranting. I have done and been guilty of both in my time. People who you try and convince usually listen to one and not the other. As for the whole story about there bear, I would give the same advice. IMHO the whole thing is irresponsible on so many levels. "Shock jocking" or joking for our sport. The damage is done, I will not look at the photos. CL

+1 What "Makwa" and "Mat C" said.
Smitty81 wrote,
I would like to beat the shit out of this guy. My guess is that he is a democrat. Common democrat, dont know anything about hunting or guns yet they seem to think they do.

I thingk that you need to be carefull when you speak.
All gun owners and hunters need to stand together especially now.
I have plenty of friends that don't vote the way I do but, they are good hunters and responsible gun owners. Just because someone votes for a democrat dosen't mean they don't know anything about guns or hunting.
If every democrat was anti gun and anti hunting the rest of us would be playing frisbee by now.
I get a little upset with un-educated voters but, what you are saying and most importantly HOW your saying it may cause more harm to our cause than good.