55gr ballistic varmit 223 velocity readings


Oct 10, 2012
I loaded some 223 for my ar. Nosler ballistic tip varmit boat tail, remington brass, wsr primers with 26 grain of varget. Does anyone have chrony readings on loads like this.
Shoot the same load in my Tikka 223 but I've never chronied it.
Scary accurate though.

Sas874runner":2vnn3vi0 said:
16" barrel 1-9 twist


Welcome to the forum.
I would guess you would get 2800-2850 fps from a 16" barrel.

remingtonman_25_06":eiw5pf9k said:
I get 3150 with 24.5g benchmark and 55g nbt from a 26" bbl.

Same here, only 24". Difference in the 2 inches of barrel length and velocity in this particular instance, could be a number of things. But it shoots extremely well for me. Same can said with VV-130 for me. I couldn't get Varget to work for me in the accuracy dept., so I never ran them over a chrono..
The info from hogden says 27.5 gr max. Nosler says 25.5 of varget. @ 26.5 grain I started to get an extruded primer. After I dropped to 25.5 I was still getting excessive pressure signs. Continued to drop powder charge. Pressure signs stopped at 24 gr. Wsm primer, remington brass, with 2.220 oal. Anyone else seen this
I will try to run some of mine over the chronograph tomorrow, weather permitting. It will probably run a little slow since the temps are in the 30's outside. I will check my data tonight, as I might have written it down somewhere. (That would be out of a 16" 1 in 8" twist M&P 15 Sport)
Update: chrono'ed the 55 gr Varmageddon with 26 gr of Varget this afternoon. Out of the 16" M&P Sport, it clocked an average of 2719 fps ( 5 shots). Last summer when it was 50 degrees warmer, they clocked 2780 fps. Obviously different barrels make a difference, as my son's PSA AR-15 with 16" 1 in 7" twist pushes them around 2900 fps... Hope it helps.
Sas874runner":2uabtg5b said:
Did you have Any pressure signs from the powder charge. And what altitude are you at
No pressure signs at all, have run 27.0 gr with a 55 gr Hornady SP without pressure signs. I really don't think you can get enough Varget in a .223 case to produce excessive pressure, unless you are deep seating really long heavy bullets. My range is about 500 feet above sea level. Both my bolt gun and my AR showed no excessive pressure signs with the 27.0 gr load with the Hornady bullet seated to the cannelure even during 80 degree + summer days. I settled on the 26.0 gr load because it was easier to get it into the case without compressing the load and it seemed a little more accurate.
Of course, my rifles are not your rifles. You should work up gradually, watching for any excess pressure signs. I may have a "slow" lot of Varget, my chambers may be more generous than yours, or my barrels may have longer throats. Also remember, my AR has the 5R rifling with the gain twist that also may moderate pressure as the twist starts slower and progresses to the final 1 in 8" rate.
Sas874runner":217ciii3 said:
I'm not loading any bullets with a cannelure. Should I be using cannelure bullets?

The presence or absence of a cannelure will make no difference in your loads. Load what works best for your rifle and enjoy shooting.